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Re: Katie Price BA
in reply to a message by Elena
Harvey, Junior and Princess's full names are Harvey Daniel Price, Junior Savva Andreas Andre, and Princess Tiaamii Crystal Esther Andre. Her daughter's name is particularly bad!
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Is André really part of their first name combos or is it their surname?
Just asking because I seem to remember that Peter André is the father of her second and third child.
(Yeah, I'm also a little "shocked" that I seem to know that. Then again, a couple of years ago, the tabloids in my country bombarded everyone with stuff like that - um, why? Was there any reason for that? I don't remember... -, so if you weren't inclined to move under the proverbial rock... no chance of escaping ;) )By the way, what's Tiaamii?
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I have a feeling it a smushing of the grandmother's, names Tia and Amy. Like you I acquired that information by osmosis!
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Wow. That's even worse than Renesmee :/At first I thought it might be a spin on the Italian phrase "ti amo" which has gone wrong ("ti ami" - "you love yourself"?), but this is not much better.
And now I feel judgemental... :/
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Andre is the surname.
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Ugh, Wikipedia didn't list all of their names so I'm even more saddened. At least Junior and Princess have Andreas and Esther to fall back on but again, a child is given two forms of the same name (Andreas and André). Family tradition? Who knows?
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Andre is the surname of the middle two kids - their father is Peter Andre. Harvey and Jett have different fathers- could explain the inconsistency of the sibset. I've always seen Princess Tiaamii referred to by both names, I think she is referred to by both. Tiaamii is meant to be a combination of Peter and Katie's mum's names, Tiana (or maybe Tia I forget) and Amy.It's sad that I know so much about this.Junior as a given name sucks.
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