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Awful or awesome? An Aussie BA in Today's Paper
Velvet Horizon, sister to Winter StarBoth seem whacky to me, though Winter Star has a certain twee charm. Velvet Horizon sounds like a strip club or a perfume imhoI did have a gorgeous black cat called Velvet (his fur resembled it).
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Velvet Horizon is just terrible. Winter on its own is okay. Let's just hope little Winter never has to tell anyone her middle name though!
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Although I kind of like Velvet, and love Winter, I think that Velvet Horizon sounds like a Goth band...and Winter Star like a My Little Pony, just like RoxStar said.
A winter star sure is beautiful, but it's TOO cute to be a proper name.
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Velvet's cute on a cat, but so are a lot of names you could never call a human.Velvet Horizon definitely sounds like a strip joint. And Winter Star sounds like something a five year old would name her favourite dull, or something. That might be painting a lot of five year olds out there in an unnecessarily bad light, though.

This message was edited 8/10/2013, 2:38 AM

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The both sound like strip clubs, or strippers or maybe cheap perfumes. Bad, bad, bad.
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Just awful
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Whoa. I have to go with awful. Velvet is actually one of my GPs. It always makes me think of National Velvet, and I like to think--or at least pretend--that it's not completely unusable. You just have to be very, very careful when making a Velvet combo. "Velvet Horizon" sounds like porn set in space.Winter Star is complete cornball.
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I can't wait for a day's paper. Appleton lost power over 24 hours ago, so it looks like we won't have a paper two days in a row, but back to the original topic. (I'm not in Appleton, I didn't loose power.)We've had enough threads about Winter here that it doesn't surprise me, and Star isn't completely new. Star Jones was on The View, other star names, Starr is a last name. Not my style, but still unusual. Velvet Horizon is really out there imo. I could see a little kid experimenting with names trying it on a toy, but not on a person.
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I rather like Velvet Horizon.I read these names out to my Mum and she said 'what are they-race-horses?':0)
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Where's the like button when you need it?
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Lol. I like it. I like Velvet Horizon more than Winter Star.This is purely abstract, of course, I don't feel like bending my mind around how I might potentially receive it socially.
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Awful. Winter Star is at least a little more "normal", but still way too twee for me. Velvet Horizon sounds like a strip club, as the others have said. Besides, Velvet is a cat name and shouldn't be used on people. I knew a cat named Velvet who bit.
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I knew a cat named Velvet who
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Velvet Horizon seems a little stripperish to me. Velvet especially seems over-the-top for a real person's name. Though not a cat's :) I agree that Winter Star is cute (if unusable IMO). Then again, I'm kind of a sucker for wintry/Christmassy names. I'm assuming Winter Star was a girl, too?
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Yes, a girl too.
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awful...Winter Star sounds like a My Little Pony, and Velvet Horizon does indeed sound like a strip joint, or else a Velvet Underground ripoff.
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