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BAs from UK
GIRLS: Kitty Penelope (Polly and Max), twin siblings Pearl Joan and Rafferty Patrick –born in Ireland
Marni Sky Lucia (Minky and PJ), brothers Dalbiac Simon and Laszlo James Argyll
Phoebe Louisa Marie (Emma and Ted)
Poppy May (Kate and Ben)
Poppy Theodora (Caroline and Luke)
Rose Charlotte (Fiona and Simon), sisters Katie Louise and Olivia Jane
Rose Susanna (Martha and Alexander), brothers Jack, Will, Stanley AdrianStan’ and Frank Peter
Rosie Antonia Hepworth (Juliet and Nicholas), brother Milo Frederick Berthold
Stella Mary (Catherine and Charlie), brother Ned
Stevie Belle (Tamsin and Oliver), siblings Harper-Rose Bluebell and Arnold
Teresa Margaret (Laurie and John)
Willa Mary Rae (Harriet and James)
Xanthe Isobel Olive (Henrietta and Matthew), sibling Flynn Barnaby Oliver, Wilbur Willis Benjamin and Gretel Isla Alice
Xanthe Mary Daisy (Jennifer and Patrick)
Zoe Vuong (Quinn and Jonathan) – Vuong is mother’s maiden name, born in Australia
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Kitty Penelope - Penelope is adorable, but not with Kitty.
Marni Sky Lucia - Narni Sky is cute! Adding Lucia to it seems a bit much.
Poppy May - It's cute.
Poppy Theodora - Eh.
Rose Charlotte - I like it.
Rose Susanna - Not a fan of Susanna (especially this spelling.)
Rosie Antonia Hepworth - It's alright
Stella Mary - I don't like this.
Stevie Belle - This is cute.
Teresa Margaret - Eh.
Willa Mary Rae - Not my style.
Xanthe Isobel Olive - Too much.
Xanthe Mary Daisy - Again, too much.
Zoe Vuong - Not a fan.
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Although I dislike the flow of Rose Susanna, I love how it looks and sounds with brothers Jack, Will, Stanley "Stan," and Frank. I also love Teresa Margaret and Xanthe Isobel Olive (both individually and as a sister to Flynn, Wilbur, and Gretel), and Marni really delights me.
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I love Kitty Penelope and Stella Mary
Pearl Joan is nicely unexpected!
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Xanthe Isobel Olive is a nice one too see, despite not liking the second middle name.
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