I like Sabrina a lot, an awful lot. It's classic, mysterious and I even like the tragic Welsh element it has going on. I prefer it as a fn (Sabrina Charlotte, Sabrina Madeleine, Sabrina Marielle, Sabrina Margaret, Sabrina Juliet) and I think it fits wonderfully with Penelope although I much prefer Sabrina Penelope to Penelope Sabrina (the pe of Penelope transitioning into the S of Sabrina isn't as smooth).
I really like Sabrina, I guess it's not used often due to the witch associations, but I really like it. It has a spark. I imagine a very stubborn defiant girl who fights for those she cares about and has a very strong moral compass of right and wrong.
Sabrina and Penelope do go. The flow of Sabrina Penelope is much better though
Sabrina and Penelope do go. The flow of Sabrina Penelope is much better though