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Aliza (ah-LEE-za) used to be one of my favorite names, and then I sort of lost interest in it for a while. I'm gaining that interest back, though, and was curious what y'all thought of the name. What middle name(s) would you pair with it? Nicknames? Thanks!
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Lovely meaning and the sound is alright, but I just really love Eliza, so I can't help but wish that's what it was. English-speakers might assume it's a kreeaytivv spelling of Eliza and read it that way (with an "uh" beginning) but, if you really love a name, I think it's worth the correcting. "Lia" or "Lee" work best for nicknames, I think. I doubt people will stick with saying "LEEZ", if she writes "Liz".Aliza Catherine
Aliza Gwyneth - I seem to be wanting soft sounds with Aliza
Aliza Bethan / Bethany - may be too much like Elizabeth, unless you happen to have an Elizabeth to honor in an unconventional way
Aliza Florence
Aliza Vivienne
Aliza Henriette / Henrietta
Aliza Rosemary
Aliza Millicent
Aliza Dove
Aliza Noelle
Aliza Helen
Aliza Melody
Aliza Meadow
Aliza Willow
Aliza Winifred
Aliza Belphoebe - just for fun ;)

This message was edited 8/26/2012, 3:50 PM

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It's a nice name, but I'm afraid that a baby named Aliza would cause people to think her parents were being "creative" with Eliza, without realizing that they are two separate names.Some combos (I think it goes well with Italian middle names):Aliza Camilla
Aliza Carmen
Aliza Claudia
Aliza Clio
Aliza Cloelia
Aliza Dafne
Aliza Daniella
Aliza Daria
Aliza Diana
Aliza Evarista
Aliza Evelina
Aliza Fabrizia
Aliza Fiorenza
Aliza Fortunata
Aliza Frederica
Aliza Fulvia
Aliza Gemma
Aliza Genoveffa
Aliza Ginevra
Aliza Graziella
Aliza Herleva
Aliza Imelda
Aliza Ivette
Aliza Jacinda
Aliza Jade
Aliza Jasmine

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