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Proper pronunciation of Chrysanthe/Anthe?
I've only heard Chrysanthe pronounced with -thee at the end. Is this correct or is it actually a -thuh sound? I've also seen Anthe cited as a mythological nymph. Is this properly -thee or -thuh or -thee-uh (which I've seen online)?This component of Chrysanthe derives from the Greek, "anthos" and may also be the origin of the similar component in Samantha.I've been thinking about this since reading the recent post on Samantha where so many mentioned one of their reasons for disliking the name being a lack of feminine-sounding nicknames. I've always liked Samantha and figured, if I used it, she'd just be called by her full name, or maybe Ann or Annie if we really wanted something shorter and hadn't naturally settled on something personality-based, not pertaining directly to Samantha.But Anthe, if pronounced with a -thee sound, appeals to me as a nickname and would be akin to calling her "blossom", which idea I like. Looking around on this site and others, I'm not certain what the proper pronunciation really is, though.Can any of you Greek-experienced folks advise?
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I'm not a Greek name expert so I didn't respond earlier. But I did want to say that now I've learned something from this thread, and overtheclouds and Hecate. For some reason I thought of Chrysanthe as a French name and didn't pronounce the "e" on the end. (*forehead slap*) Now I know better.I love your idea of using Anthe as a nn for Chrysanthe. It's very original and, as you say, full of floral imagery.
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In Modern Greek, Chrisanthe is pronounced hri-SAN-thee and Anthe is pronounced an-THEE.
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Ah, thank you for clarifying that. :)
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I think Samantha nn Anthe would be great. Xanthe would also be nice, but it's more of a stretch. I believe the spelling of Anthe in Modern Greek is Anthi, and it is indeed pronounced an-thee.As for Chrysanthe, this website on Greek names has some information on it: The Modern Greek form seems to be Chrysanthi. It says it's pronounced Chree-sá-nthee (I imagine the Ch is a Kh sound). But I can't really help, I don't know Greek.
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Thank you. Appreciate the help. :)
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