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Re: Cayden
in reply to a message by Lily
As far as sound goes, I like it, but the -ayden trend makes it seem dull to me. In the U.S., Kaden ranked #119 in 2011, Kayden ranked #105, Cayden ranked #150, and Caden came in at #136. If you add up all of these spellings and include others, this name is way too popular for me to even consider.I don't check birth announcements as much as I used to, and I don't know many children, but I tend to see Kaden, Kayden, and Caden more often than Cayden. I've seen Kaden the most it seems even though Kayden is more popular than Kaden is.I don't know any anyone named Cayden (or any of the other spellings) personally, but I knew of someone with a son named Kaden who is in his teens now.
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