Is Dorcas unuseable because of sounding like Dorkus? I like this name in theory, but don't know if I could use it on a real life person, or even a pet. What do you think?
I would only think it would be usable for a pet if it was a joke type name, unfortunately. :( Without the "dork" association, I think it's a quite interesting name also. Actually, growing up I was quite exposed to the name due to a "Toys for Tots" type organization in my area named after a woman named Dorcas Drake. She was thought of as a type a Mrs. Santa Claus because of her love for children and gathering money and toys for underpriveleged families during the holidays. But even her name was used as an insult in local schools, where kids would call each other "You Dorcas Drake". *rolls eyes*


Yes, it is unusable.
Yes, it is. Not only does it sound like dorcus, but it's 'dork ass'. Don't use it.
Your only hope here is to pray that some other new slang term comes along and replaces "dork" in younger generations. "Dork" itself only goes back to the late 1960s. Unfortunately, the staying power of slang words is notoriously unpredictable! :)
I think it's cute, but I would use it for a fictional character rather than a real person. Sounds like something a sea nymph would be called, maybe because I'm thinking of "dorsal fin".
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
It seems easy to tease. I thought of Dorkus and Dork.
Yes, totally unsalvageable. Don't do it.
If you're a fan of the bible character, I'd use Tabitha.
If you're a fan of the bible character, I'd use Tabitha.
I couldn't imagine doing that to a child. The way obviouse nickname of Dork is just to much.
In short?
Unfortunately, yes. Dorcas is lovely in theory--it reminds me of one of my favourite passages in Little Women, just after Amy and Laurie are married--but it's too much an insult. She may as well be Dufas (doofus).
I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun.
Unfortunately, yes. Dorcas is lovely in theory--it reminds me of one of my favourite passages in Little Women, just after Amy and Laurie are married--but it's too much an insult. She may as well be Dufas (doofus).
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun.
The first time I heard this name was in the movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I have to admit I immediately started laughing. Granted, the name is a biblical name and is rich in history but I think that most people's initial reaction to this name would be laughter especially children.

It's really too bad about the dork thing because Dorcas is a perfectly lovely Bibical name that has been used a lot, especially in my family tree, so I have been tempted to use but the dork thing always puts me off. I think it would we rather refreshing and cute on a little girl but unfortunately it is associated with the word dork! As another option you could use a cute nickname like Dorie, Dora, or even Cassie, or you could use the Aramaic name Tabitha which Dorcas is the Greek form of.
I would deffinately use it for a dear pet even if I wasn't quite sure about using it for a daughter. I can just see a cute little white pussy can name Dorcas. Wasn't there a cat in 'Alice in Wonderland' named Dorcas?

I would deffinately use it for a dear pet even if I wasn't quite sure about using it for a daughter. I can just see a cute little white pussy can name Dorcas. Wasn't there a cat in 'Alice in Wonderland' named Dorcas?

Alice's cat...
Was actually a Dinah, if I recall correctly.
I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun.
Was actually a Dinah, if I recall correctly.
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun.
That's right, thanks! I knew it was a Bibical D name! :)

Go with your gut instinct; leave this one alone.