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Re: Hadley
in reply to a message by Lily
Bah! Sorry, I don't like it on a girl at all. As a feminine name it seems so infantile, much like Hayley and Chloe. I was completely surprised to learn that it was so popular as a girls' name in the USA because I couldn't imagine it; I had to do a double take when I heard it used on a young girl at the market. Its popularity for girls has increased rapidly over the past ten years, and I can see it breaking the top fifty. So it's not trashy but definitely trendy.I think it's down-to-earth and quite sweet on a boy, however. I also think it would age better as a male name. It's not something I would use myself but I find it pleasant enough. And it makes me think of Hadley Fraser, who has a lovely voice. Other than that and the female sighting above, I haven't heard the name elsewhere.
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I never even thought it could be masculine. I know that Ashley, Courtney etc are unisex but Hadley always seemed very feminine in a pink frilly way. I could never see it on a boy. Also it means "heather field" so it always reminds me of the name Heather which adds to its femininity.
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Hee, we're complete opposites in terms of imagery, then. Hadley is muted greens and browns to me. You don't get further from frilly pink than that!
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