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Re: Hadley
in reply to a message by Lily
This isn't a style of name that usually appeals to me, but I do like Hadley. I think it's that D in the middle; it adds a little punch to a name that is otherwise very just another surnamey ends-in-LEE name. It's a trendy name, for sure, and it's definitely becoming more common. I know I've seen it IRL, and when I check the SSA, I see it's jumped from 921 to 216 in ten years. I think it will keep climbing, probably well into the Top 100 since it's a good substitute for the tired Haley/Hayley, and then it will probably fall, so I think it will end up dated as a name for this generation. Besides its resemblance to Haley, Bailey and other similar names, I think there's also a minor character in the Sookie Stackhouse vampire series (don't know if she made it into True Blood or not) who has probably given the name extra exposure. It doesn't make me think of head at all. Head and had sound very different to me.
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