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Re: Solomon
I think Hunter Christian fits him better than you think. And I think it's not such a bad name.
But ...Solomon sounds kinda glum to me. I mumble it. Solemn, funereal. And words with too many aw sounds, like bottom and lobotomy. But I don't really dislike it. I think the biggest reason I like it is nn Sol. And it does have a buttload of dignity. And because it's old and well-known as a name, it's not so overwhelmingly heavy that I can't picture a guy named Solomon as a standup or a humorist.Solomon Orion is pretty cool as a spinoff of his name. The extra Os sort of justify the repeated sounds in Solomon. I'm all in favor of pseudonyms and alter egos and whatnot. But I'm not a fan of permanent legal name changing. Your name isn't an expression of who you are; it's not even supposed to be. It's a handle others give you, to be used by them to identify you. Changing your name to something you feel suits you better is really pretty egotistical IMHO. However, I don't think less of people that do it. Egotism happens. I can understand wanting to, and being happy you did. Even if the change is OTT, like changing a name Rachel to Lavender or Thomas to D'Artagnan, something that is liable to make people roll their eyes when changing the way they address you, it's not a huge deal. Hunter to Solomon is alright. I knew a guy that changed his name from something like Matthew (I can't recall his old name!) to Ford (and he actually changed his surname to Prefect). It was pompous and dorky at first but soon enough, sure enough ... he IS Ford. Still, I can't help thinking that by the time people got used to it, he likely felt it didn't express him the way he wanted it to anymore, and would have changed it to something else - except the whole experience of changing it maybe brought him some humility.
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totally OTBut I just thought you should know that I laughed myself silly at "buttload of dignity" :)
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Thanks for your comments, first of allFord Prefect! Really! One might as well go all the way and take Zaphod
I see what you mean about egotism. I think the biggest problem HunterChristian has with his name (ok and partly the problem I have with his name, let's be honest, but since it's not really my business) is that it's an active expression of who he isn't; it's a name laden with expectations he completely did not live up to. Two nouns that refer directly to integral parts of a culture he has never related to. If he had gotten one of the names his brothers got (Harrison Rae and Hayden Greer), or something like, say, Matthew, I don't think it would fit him so poorly. I don't think I could really justify changing my name from Emma to something fanciful like Princess Buttercup l just because I find my name boring, but if it was, like, Reagan or something, I think I'd forgive hypothetical Reagan for wanting to change to Claudia or Irene.If the shoe is ugly or boring that's one thing, but for him it's just never seemed to fit, yanno? I should suggest Ford to him though.
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