I like normal names too, similar to your taste. It seems like there are only two classes of namers- the ridiculous trendy ones a la Kylereigh and Sha`Marcusa and the ridiculously pompous humiliating ones you find on here a la
Fabian and
Ophelia. I guess it comes from the modern attitude towards the mainstream- that it is something to be avoided. Now, I`m all for breaking with tradition and being yourself- as long as there is a concrete basis for choosing this difference and it does not hurt anyone else. The first category of namers follows the first reasoning: These parents seem to think that if a child hears of one other person on Earth with their name, that they will become an automoton and lose all individuality. The second category follows both paths of reasoning. Not only do these people cringe at anything within the top 1000, they do not seem to realize the absurdity of little
Phineas Jones or the torment he will suffer. They seem to think that their sons with these names will write romantic sonnets and wear sweater vests at age 8, instead of making disgusting jokes and playing football in the mud. Of course not all boys will be like that which is fine, but keep this in mind: Who would be more mocked: Little
Michael who takes ballet or little
Ptolemy who takes ballet? The same applies to girls. You cannot transfer your frustration at the mainstream onto your child in the form of something they will have to bear for the rest of their lives.