Allegra is a name that that has intrigued me as well. I find lovely and feminine. My only drawback is that
Allegra is an alergy medicine.
Possible Combos:
Allegra SoleilAllegra ChristinaAllegra LouisaAllegra VictoriaAllegra AnastasiaAllegra MariaAllegra CelesteAllegra MarisaAllegra ElizabethAllegra KatherineAllegra EllenAllegra ElaineAllegra MaryAllegra AlexiaAllegra ThereseAllegra TeresaAllegra TheresaAllegra VictoireAllegra Marguerite
I've adopted 40 Punctuation Marks (!?~). Their names are in my profile.
"To a brave man, good luck and bad luck are like his right and left arms. He uses both."
St. Catherine of Siena
"It is not length of life, but depth of life."
Ralph Waldo Emerson