Hollis on a boy?
Love it, it is one of my favorites for a boy.
I thought Hollis was a boys name for a long time and than I find out that it's unisex and people use it on girls. I don't like the name, but it's a boy name to me.
kinda indifferent
I like Hollis on a boy better than a girl. It has an intellectual, nerdy hipster vibe it.
Very much dislike. Especially with Holly in there.
WAY better on boys than girls. I've never met one of either gender. I'm trying to imagine a male nickname, but I'm not getting anything good. Oh well, it doesn't really need one I suppose.
I agree with Bear about the Southern gentleman vibe. Or I guess it could just be preppy. Anyway I like it. I like it a little more on males than on females.
It could work since most non-namenerds probably aren't familiar with it and has a unisex sound, but I prefer it on a girl.
I could see it. It's a but namby-pamby, but I still like it.