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How do you pronounce Carlisle?I say "car-lie-ul" - the same way the town of Carlisle is pronounced. However, I have heard people say "car-lay-ul" with a long A sound in the middle.Which do you use and (if anything) why?
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I've always assumed car-lie-ul. Never met one though. I'd be excited if I did.
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I say it kind of like "car-lie-ul" but only 2 syllabules, more like "car-laow". The second syllabule sounds like "loud" without the d.
That may just be my Pittsburgh accent though.
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"car-LIE-ul" sounds correct. I've never heard of "car-LAY-ul".I don't like Carlisle. Those Twilight books ruined it for me.
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Urgh, I know! I wouldn't use Carlisle (because of Twilight, and also the place), I was just wondering about pronounciation.Twilight has also ruined Jasper, which is one of my fav names :(
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Yes, that is unfortunate. The Twilight thing, I mean.My mom thought of it first, Stephanie Meyer!!
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my mom's favourite :)Whenever my mom comes across this name, she just about loses it. She adores it. It's on my list of "sort of honouring" names because of her unending love for it. It is rather appealing snooty in a way, isn't it? I say it like "CAR-lyle", basically. Not sure why I say it that way... I guess because I say "isle" to rhyme with Lyle, generally.
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I say it the same way you do. That's the way "isl" is pronounced in "isle" and "island", so I think it's the most 'usual' way to say Carlisle as well.
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