Re: Victory
in reply to a message by Neila
It's nms. I like Victoria, but its history justifies it ... Victory as a word name seems more to deliberately express desire for winning. Neila is good enough, but I have to say with apologies to zachlyn, that it sounds a little bit like "kneeler" and that is not so good. I strongly doubt I'd think of that at all if I met someone named Neila. I think I kinda like the idea of Nialla [NY(uh)-la].
This message was edited 3/8/2011, 2:55 PM
If someone had suggested the name Neila I would have crinkled my face and said no, I don't think so. I don't like the name Neil and feminine forms of boys names aren't my favourite and it ends in the trendy -la. However, when she was born she looked like an alien (huge cone head and big black eyes) and I mentioned that alien backwards is Neila. Finally, my husband was excited about a name, so I was happy. And yes, kneeler the peeler is a bit of a problem, but I don't dwell on it :) Plus, the meanings I found: champion, cloud, passionate make up for it :) Nialla is really pretty. I know a two year old Niall.
This message was edited 3/10/2011, 11:21 AM
Man. I think your daughter's name is cool and unexpected. I had no idea it was this cool.
Man. I think your daughter's name is cool and unexpected. I had no idea it was this cool.
Thanks :)
most awesome name-choosing ever
I love it, amazing! Can't believe that the nurse would refuse to write it down, what a poop.
I love it, amazing! Can't believe that the nurse would refuse to write it down, what a poop.
thanks. At the time it really angered me, but now I just think silly nurse :) I kept the ID card.
Oh dang, and I was just coming around on Neila until your mentioned the "alien" backwards thing. :o)
Hehe, the alien thing is what made me come around to it :P
We hope that when she gets to the age when kids start spelling their names backwards she thinks it's cool instead of being mortified by it :) When she was in the NICU the nurse refused to spell her name Neila after my husband told her the story - she thought it was a horrible thing to do - and wrote Nila on the ID card. Oh, well. The way I see it the fewer people who like the name the fewer Neilas will be running around :)
True enough. More power to you!