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What do you think of Artemisia? How would you pronounce it? What nicknames would you suggest? Any combo suggestions?I've like this name for a while now, and have noticed there's a few others who feel the same way, but when I did a search for it there wasn't much there. So I thought I'd ask :)
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Ar-tem-eajzh-ah … lol…there's a jzh sound in the middle… it makes me think of flowers, perfume, ornateness…a woman who takes care of herself in a bold way. I like.
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Mimi!I adore Artemis and Artemisia both. I pronouce Artemisia as, "ahr-teh-MEE-zee-uh," getting every last drop of goodness out of the name. My favorite nn for Artemisia is Mimi, but Mia is sweet too.
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I love it! I'd use it as a mn.
I say ar-tem-EE-si-a or ar-tem-EE-zha or ar-tem-EE-zhee-a.
Temis? Tem? Isia? Ara? Ari? Misi? Misa? Misia? Isa?
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I like it. It's very pretty. I pronounce it ar-teh-MEE-zhah. Artemis is a possible nickname, although it's not much shorter than the original. Artemisia Bryony
Artemisia Calliope
Artemisia Helene
Artemisia Calanthe
Artemisia Emily
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Oh, wow. Artemisia Calanthe is gorgeous. Artemisia Calliope and Artemisia Helene too.
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It's nice. A variant on Artemis, I guess. Artemis was also called Atalanta and my name is Atlanta, a variant on it I guess so Artemisia is like my name.
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Well, it reminds me of Artemisia Gentileschi, the Italian artist responsible for "Judith Slaying Holofernes". If you're not familiar with the painting, you should Google it- it's pretty gruesome.I pronounce it ar-ta-MEE-see-ah. Sorry, I'm not very good at typing out my pronunciations, but that was the best I could do.
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In defense of Ms G, she was working out some valid anger in those paintings. She had been raped and had the guts to say so publically and demand that her rapist be punished. I can't remember how it all turned out, but I imagine she didn't get justice. I like her Judith painting. Very powerful.
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Agostino Tassi (the man who raped her) had been in trouble with the law before, and told a friend that he had raped Artemisia, so he pretty much hung himself. He spent a year in prison, so Artemisia got as much justice as a woman could in her time.I also like the painting, but I would hesitate to name my daughter Artemisia because the image is very powerful. I couldn't say the name without thinking of bloody beheadings and rape.

This message was edited 2/22/2011, 11:51 AM

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What a fun list of combosI too love Artemisia and pronounce it the same way as you do, except I use a "z" sound instead of an "s" sound. Mia and Mimi are my favorite nns, so we have much in common. :-)I can't improve on your combos, so I'm going to endorse:Artemisia Alice
Artemisia Beatrice
Artemisia Felicity
Artemisia Ghislaine / Gisele (Gisele is especially nice here)
Artemisia Imogen
Artemisia Jane
Artemisia Penelope
Artemisia Swanhild (GP)
Artemisia Sylvaine (!)
Artemisia Violet
Artemisia Winter
Artemisia Wren
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I like it with the z. I'm going to try to retrain myself now. I'm glad you like my combos. When I took German, we had a dialogue with a character named Gisela. Ever since then, I've loved Gisela and variants. :D
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I think it seems too long and overwrought, especially because to me, it's best known to refer to a plant, while Artemis seems fairly well known as a goddess name. Why would one not use Artemis instead? Anyway I think it's not awful, but it's not my style. I say Ar-tuh-MEEZ-ya.Mimi.
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I love it. I like Artemis too, but I'd definitely use Artemisia first.
I pronounce it (and the plant) as ar-tem-EE-zha. That's always the way I've heard the plant pronounced.
For NNs, I like Misia (MEE-zha), Sia-sia (like Zsa-Zsa Gabor), Artsy. Artemisia Belen
Artemisia Camille
Artemisia Catherine
Artemisia Claire
Artemisia Kate
Artemisia Lucy
Artemisia Nell
Artemisia Rose
Artemisia Ruby

This message was edited 2/21/2011, 1:59 PM

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I think of Artemisia Gentileschi. :)
& AR-tim-ee-zha
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Personally, I think it's absolutely ridiculous! Over the top and trying too hard. AR(like car)-tim-ee-zhaArtie? That might help me like it more! :o)Artemisia Eloise (long but, I like it!)
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I love it. I think it's beautiful.
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