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Re: My new top names
Brendan Kelly -- Yes! Love Kelly for a boy. And it complements handsome Brendan beautifully. Harrison Remiel -- You lost me with this one.James Faramund -- Love James. Faramund is fun -- I love names from waaaaay in the past. Unfortunately, I can't get pheromones out of my head. :-(Mark Emmanuel -- Oooh, slyly handsome. Love it.Nicholas Carroll -- So I see your response to Dracotrix's comment is entitled "Nicholas Carroll = Christmas" and I can't get Christmas out of my head. Without reading your response, my gut reaction is, "so what? Christmas is a nice association and it isn't that obvious." I hope that's along the same lines as your response.Richard Thomas -- John Boy on "The Waltons." I'm dating myself with that reference.Robert Lachlan -- Wow. He can kidnap me back to his bonnie brae anytime. Rohan Fiachra -- You deserve a medal of honor for this one. Bravery times ten. Kudos. Love it. Ronan Fiachra might be less brave, but I think I like it slightly better. Everly Maeve -- Makes me think "Forever Maeve," as in the title of some cheesey romance novel. Too many "v" sounds for me anyway. Galatea Tess -- I love mixing Greek mythology with nns. But the repeated "t" sounds are bothering me with this one. Gloria Rosamund -- Fabulous. I so get this one.Godelieve Lore -- Sooooo close. I adore Godelieve. And Lore as a mn is brilliant. But I'm not loving the repeated "L" sounds. Godelieve, nn Livvy, Thea, Goodie, Liv, Del, Gee / G, Evie? Liana Catherine -- Nice. Nefertari Leila -- Would you believe Nefertari is on my long list? I never suggest it because I assume no one else in the world loves it but me. Hooray when I'm wrong! I love this combo. Leila is exotic, but known so she complements Nefertari sumptuously.Philippa Sage -- I've never been a fan of Sage, sorry. But I love Philippa. How about Philippa Lore? The "L" sounds are farther apart so they are not bugging me. Sarah Gillian -- Someone ought to bottle Sarah and sell it as a sleeping aide. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

This message was edited 11/27/2010, 6:45 PM

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OTJohn Boy is a cutie.
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No, I don't have a problem with the Christmas ties to Nicholas Carroll. In fact it's my favorite holiday! I just hadn't noticed it before. :-)Pheromones!!! Oh, gees, that had me rolling! :-PRonan Fiachra is a great combo, but I still have to side with Rohan due to my long love affair with Lord of the Rings. :-DIn the potential nicknames you gave for Godelieve, I like Livvy and Evie the best.
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