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Re: My new top names
I love Brendan. I like Brendan Kelly (although the combo itself is a little too Irish...)
Harrison Remiel is growing on me as I type this. It sounds like a character on something...
I like James Faramund and Mark Emmanuel- both combos I'd be willing to use.
Nicholas Carroll is very Christmasy (St. Nicholas and Carroll=Carol), but I think I like it otherwise.
Richard Thomas is too boring, but I like Richard.
Robert Lachlan is good. Nn Robin?
Rohan Fiachra is amazing and I'd totally use it.Everly Maeve is good but not something I would use.
Galatea Tess is too mismatched for me :( Galatea belongs with grand old names like Athena and Margaret; Tess belongs with sweet little girls like Sophie. Something like Alice or Anna could work with both names, but they don't seem to work with each other.
Gloria Rosamund is good. It's like morning glory and rosemary in the form of old ladies :P
Godelieve Lore is pretty awesome... I like Lore :) Godelieve is a lot of name though..
I like Liana Catherine. I could be persuaded to use it.
Same with Nefertari Leila. This one is awesome.
And same with Philippa Sage. These names DEFINITELY belong together.
Sarah Gillian is nms, but I like Sarah.
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Nicholas Carroll = ChristmasOh, wow, I didn't even catch that! :-)
You're right, it does sound very Christmas-y.

This message was edited 11/27/2010, 6:51 PM

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