I've really been liking
Gloria lately, too! I've known an older
Gloria all my life, so I've heard the name but only recently tried to imagine it on a younger woman. I like it.
I think it's charming and grand, like
Victoria, and has an angelic overtone. A young
Gloria has strong family ties and a strong personality. She is confident and probably upper-class, quick-witted and maybe quick-tempered. Perhaps she has a good singing voice (maybe I'm thinking too much of
Roman rite and 'Angels We Have Heard on High'), but she has a good sense of fashion, tending towards classy and demure, very pearls, pencil skirts, and
Chanel No. 5.
Combo ideas:
Gloria EloiseGloria CatherineGloria CeriseGloria AnneliseGloria CharlotteGloria Thérèse
Gloria Joséphine
Gloria AdelaideGloria RochelleGloria Madeleine/Magdalene
Gloria DianeGloria GenevieveGloria SusanneGloria SheaGloria CorinneGloria CamilleGloria Ernestine/Geraldine
Gloria LucilleGloria Elisabeth