Re: Conrad and Joseph.
Oh. Is "Magdalena and Joseph" definitely off the table for consideration? I love those two together. They make me want to sit in a cafe in Eastern Europe, and order goulash. There are violins palying softly in the background. I don't think anyone would know about the Goebbelses (pl?), or think there was any connection to them if they did. It seems hard luck on two terrific names that they happened to belong to two awful people.I know. Once the seed is planted it's hard to erase. Such a pity.
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Conrad and Joseph.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 4:19 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Bear  ·  7/16/2010, 12:47 PM
For the time being.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/16/2010, 7:06 PM
Joachim?  ·  New_Chloe  ·  7/16/2010, 8:38 AM
Joseph Conrad is a famous author.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/16/2010, 7:07 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Cora  ·  7/16/2010, 8:11 AM
Until very, very recently  ·  vigdis  ·  7/16/2010, 7:02 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Aine  ·  7/16/2010, 3:58 PM
Ah, okay  ·  Cora  ·  7/16/2010, 4:55 PM
Joel? n/t  ·  Anneza  ·  7/15/2010, 11:21 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  mirfak  ·  7/15/2010, 8:54 PM
Thanks. :-D  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 9:30 PM
Mirfak, I think you may have helped me solve the mystery  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 9:39 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Aine  ·  7/15/2010, 7:00 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Tassiegirl  ·  7/15/2010, 7:38 PM
I loooove Silas.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 9:35 PM
I think personal influence has a lot to do with it, actually.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 7:04 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  GiovannaDevorah  ·  7/15/2010, 5:19 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  7/15/2010, 5:19 PM
I never thought of Joachim.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 6:16 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Dracotorix  ·  7/15/2010, 5:09 PM
LOL on Luther..  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 6:20 PM
Re: LOL on Luther..  ·  Dracotorix  ·  7/15/2010, 7:12 PM
Got it.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 9:32 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Arcadia  ·  7/15/2010, 4:51 PM
I love Connie on a boy!  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 5:02 PM