Re: Conrad and Joseph.
I think Conrad is more familiar than Magdalena... I hear Magdalena a lot on the boards, but I've never, ever, ever heard it IRL. Conrad I've heard plenty around here!I prefer the spelling Konrad, but that's because it was my great grandfather's name, and it just looks so cool! It squashes all Jaedyns and Braydens in its path with pure awesome.Conrad Arthur is nice. Konrad Ulysses is my current favorite combo. Let's see... some more...
Conrad James
Conrad Amos
Conrad Jeffrey / Geoffrey
Conrad AaronSo really stupid question here: Catholic names vs. Biblical names. What's the difference? Do Catholics not use names from Scripture?
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Conrad and Joseph.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 4:19 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Bear  ·  7/16/2010, 12:47 PM
For the time being.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/16/2010, 7:06 PM
Joachim?  ·  New_Chloe  ·  7/16/2010, 8:38 AM
Joseph Conrad is a famous author.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/16/2010, 7:07 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Cora  ·  7/16/2010, 8:11 AM
Until very, very recently  ·  vigdis  ·  7/16/2010, 7:02 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Aine  ·  7/16/2010, 3:58 PM
Ah, okay  ·  Cora  ·  7/16/2010, 4:55 PM
Joel? n/t  ·  Anneza  ·  7/15/2010, 11:21 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  mirfak  ·  7/15/2010, 8:54 PM
Thanks. :-D  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 9:30 PM
Mirfak, I think you may have helped me solve the mystery  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 9:39 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Aine  ·  7/15/2010, 7:00 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Tassiegirl  ·  7/15/2010, 7:38 PM
I loooove Silas.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 9:35 PM
I think personal influence has a lot to do with it, actually.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 7:04 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  GiovannaDevorah  ·  7/15/2010, 5:19 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  7/15/2010, 5:19 PM
I never thought of Joachim.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 6:16 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Dracotorix  ·  7/15/2010, 5:09 PM
LOL on Luther..  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 6:20 PM
Re: LOL on Luther..  ·  Dracotorix  ·  7/15/2010, 7:12 PM
Got it.  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 9:32 PM
Re: Conrad and Joseph.  ·  Arcadia  ·  7/15/2010, 4:51 PM
I love Connie on a boy!  ·  vigdis  ·  7/15/2010, 5:02 PM