So I originally strongly disliked this name and the Arthurian legends didn't help it much either. But lately I've been watching a lot of
Merlin (yes I know it's not that great of a show but neither is Glee really and I love that too) and the bad association held with
Guinevere sort of neutralized itself out. Consequentially, I'm warming up to it as a GP. I don't think I'd ever use it unless I warmed up a lot to it and stuck it in as a middle name but I wanted to know other people's opinions/comments/combos. So far I have:
Mary GuinevereIris GuinevereAlice Guinevere
Guinevere RuthGuinevere MariaGuinevere Therese /
TheresaGuinevere Elanor Guinevere Loreta
Also do you think Guin/Gwen is the only nickname for the name?