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New Neighbors and Nicknames
A guy is moving into the house next door to us, and he has four kids:(ages are approximate)
Thomas (14)
Matthew "Matt" (11)
Alyssa (8)
Michael (4)Pretty generic, but the thing that I thought was interesting is that Thomas and Michael were called by their full names, but Matthew was often called Matt. I also was happy to hear Thomas and Michael used in full. I like Tom and Mike well enough, but the full names sound very nice.Would you think it kind of odd to only use a nickname for one kid when you have siblings with names that almost always use nicknames?
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You know what? I just realised we do the same thing in my family. We're big nn people and everyone's name gets shortened almost automatically. Our sibset (taking out some of my half-sibs) is Elise "Lissy", Michael, Anthony "Ant" or "Anty", Eimear "Eims" and Marguerite "Daisy". I find it really strange that Michael is still almost exclusively just Michael. Its not that he doesn't like Mike or Mikey or Mick and it isn't that my Dad doesn't like any of them. Just none of them ever really stuck and I can't really picture him as anything else but Michael now.Its nice to see Thomas in its full form too. My boss has four sons named Thomas, Matthew, Nathan and Joshua who all go by their full names. Its really refreshing although Thomas was telling me that his school friends do call him Tom so I think its still unavoidable on some level :(
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