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Re: Lois
in reply to a message by Felix
I would like to see a little Lois, but I'm not a huge fan of the name in general. I much prefer Louise, which I think is very pretty. In my mind Lois is just too associated with Family Guy and Malcolm in the Middle-- so it's hard to picture it on a sweet little girl!
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I guess I need to catch up on current TV. I didn't realize there were Lois' on TV other than on an old rerun of superman.
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Ah yes, Superman. That one skipped my mind for now. But I think that's a cool association and doesn't make the name seem whiny or overbearing.
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Me too. I never thought I'd see the day that Lois overcame the "Superman" reference. But here it is. Good for Lois, I say. The more references the better, instead of being pidgeon-holed into one.
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