Pronounce Alastar?
This is probably very confusing but hopefully some of you will be able to help me. I know that most people pronounce the name Alastair as "al-u-ster" (the name AL followed by a short A vowel sound and then the word STAIR). I was wondering how most people pronounce the similar name Alastar. Is it "al-u-star" (so the same as Alastair just with the word STAR replacing STAIR) or is it more like "u-las-tər" (a short short A vowel sound followed by the word LAST minus the t and then the word STIR minus the s)?
Alastair/Alistair has no STAIR sound at the end for a start. It's more of a 'ster' sound (think of the ending of 'baster', 'taster', 'mister' etc). Imagine it spelt Allaster/Allister and you've just about got it.
I believe Alastar is just the same pronunciation but am not 100% sure.
I believe Alastar is just the same pronunciation but am not 100% sure.