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Re: Nancy
Alice Mable (or better, yet Mabel)...GORGEOUS! Nancy? I get the vintage deal, but why not something like:
Virginia (possible nn Ginny)
Judith (but not Judy)
Brenda (possible nn Brenn)
Kathleen (possible nn Kat/Kate/Katey/Leena/Kallie)
Belinda (maybe not vintage-y, but Linda is)
Theresa/Therese/Teresa (possible nn Tessa/Tess/Resa)
Cynthia (possible nn Cia/Thia/Cynnie)
Deborah (possibel nn Debbey)
I like those infinitely better. What do you think?
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now.----that I read the other posts about Nancy being a nickname for Anne, I see it differently. Annabel nn Nan would be really cute! And I think Annabel and Alice sound good together.
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