Re: Lilah
I would pronounce it as Lie-la in English and as Lee-la in Swedish.I think Lilah is beautiful name. I don't like names ending with a mute H, unless it is a biblical name, so I would prefer Lila. But then again, maybe you see it as a short form of Delilah?"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
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Lilah  ·  Miss Natla  ·  11/6/2005, 2:38 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  Laura617  ·  11/7/2005, 2:01 AM
Re: Lilah  ·  Ciarda  ·  11/6/2005, 11:07 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  Ylva  ·  11/6/2005, 5:08 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  Miss Natla  ·  11/7/2005, 8:33 AM
Re: Lilah  ·  lulu  ·  11/6/2005, 4:44 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  Array  ·  11/6/2005, 4:04 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  Miss Natla  ·  11/7/2005, 8:28 AM
Re: Lilah  ·  Bear  ·  11/6/2005, 4:02 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  BetsyLou  ·  11/6/2005, 3:49 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  gypsy  ·  11/6/2005, 3:46 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  Julia  ·  11/6/2005, 3:13 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  Erin  ·  11/6/2005, 2:59 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  mum2bubba  ·  11/6/2005, 2:46 PM
Re: Lilah  ·  Kristen  ·  11/6/2005, 2:45 PM