I've been thinking about Jack quite a bit recently. WDYT? Is Jack a classic, or is it far too trendy right now? Is it only bearable as a nickname for John, Jonathan, Jacob, etc? Is it too informal by itself?
I think it makes a nice namesake for John. I could imagine naming a son Jack after a father named John. In that case, would you use John as the formal name and call him Jack, or just keep the formal name as Jack?
The combo I like is Jack Edmund Francis. Do you prefer John Edmund Francis "Jack"? What other John/Jack combos can you come up with.
I think it makes a nice namesake for John. I could imagine naming a son Jack after a father named John. In that case, would you use John as the formal name and call him Jack, or just keep the formal name as Jack?
The combo I like is Jack Edmund Francis. Do you prefer John Edmund Francis "Jack"? What other John/Jack combos can you come up with.
Jack is too trendy now. Jack and Sean have been the most popular names here for a while. I would go with John and use the nn Jack, if I did want to use Jack. My brother has talked about using John to honour our grandfather and using Jacko. I like Johnny myself.
I like John Edmund Francis - it has a classic appeal.
I like John Edmund Francis - it has a classic appeal.
I love Jack. I think it's classic, but it is still popular right now. I don't hate it on its own, but I personally would use it as a nickname. John is my choice-- I'd name a son John and call him Jack for sure.
John Edmund Francis sounds much more professional than Jack Edmund Francis. I like that combo. My John combo that I'd use is John Francis!
John Edmund Francis sounds much more professional than Jack Edmund Francis. I like that combo. My John combo that I'd use is John Francis!
I don't see Jack being too trendy at all; in fact, I don't really hear it much nowadays. I also don't think it's too informal, although I can see why people would see it that way.
To be honest though, Jack seems not to fit with Edmund Francis too well. The only reason being that Jack seems a bit more of an upbeat name to me... so in a way, I do prefer John Edmund Francis (nn Jack)
To be honest though, Jack seems not to fit with Edmund Francis too well. The only reason being that Jack seems a bit more of an upbeat name to me... so in a way, I do prefer John Edmund Francis (nn Jack)
Jack is one of the few nns that I don't mind as a stand alone (the other is Molly). Having said that, I don't mind it as a nick for John either. I've seen it as a nn for both John and Jonathan.
If I were honoring a long line of Johns, then I'd probably use that on the bc with Jack as the nn. Both of your combos are great. I slightly prefer John Edmund Francis. I adore Edmund, btw.
If I were honoring a long line of Johns, then I'd probably use that on the bc with Jack as the nn. Both of your combos are great. I slightly prefer John Edmund Francis. I adore Edmund, btw.
I adore Jack and I think it is a classic - as a nickname. I find it a bit too informal on a birth certificate, and I strongly prefer your John Edmund Francis combo. Lovely! Jack is also very popular right now, which does take away a bit of it's luster for me, but it will always be one of my favorites.