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Common MALE English names 1450-1650 (and their kr8tyve spellings!)
*Warning! Long!*I got this from Rootsweb - I'll be doing the unisex list soon (since they're all mixed up). The female list can be seen here: first name is the usual form of that name, and the following are all variants that were used then, common and uncommon.Abednego - Abednago, abednigo, AbednygoAbel - Abell, Habell, Abel, Abelus, Abelot, Ablot, NabAbraham - Abram, Abrahem, AbrahamusAdam - Adame, Addame, Adem, Adam, Adamus, Adcock, Atcock, Adkin, AdinetAdeodatus - Deodatus, AdeodatusAdrian - Adryan, Adrianus, HadrianusAeneas - Angus, Aonghus, AengusAlan - Allen, Allin, Allyne, Alen, Alyn, Aleyn, Aleyne, AlanusAlban - Aubin, Aubyn, AlbanusAlgernon - AliernonAloysius - LewisAmbrose - Ambrosse, Ambrous, Amrous, AmbrosiusAmosAmyas - Amias, Amisius, Amicius, Amiot, AmyotAncel - Ansell, Auncell, Anselm, Ansellus, Ancelin, AncelotAngus - Angas, Aungas, Aonhghus, Oenghus, Aengus, AeneasAnketil - Anchitel, Ansketil, Anskettel, AnketinAnthony - Anthonie, Anthonni, Antony, Antiny, Andoni, Hanntenne, Antonius, Anthonius, TonkinArchibald - Archebald, ErchenbaldArkulus - Arklus, Archelaeus, Hercules, ArculusArmin - Armine, Ermin, Ermine, Ermyne, Erme, ErminusArnold - Arnolde, Arnould, Arnaulde, Ernold, ArnoldusArthur - Arther Arthure Artor Arter Authur Athur Arturus Artorius ArcturusAubrey - Awbrey Albury Albery Awlbry Alberius Albericus AlbriusAugustine - Augustin Agusten Austin AugustinusAustin - Austen Austine Austyne Augustine AustinusAverill - EverillBaldwin - Bauldwin Baldwyne Bawdwyn Bodwine Bawden Baudwinus Baudkin Bodkin BawcockBalthasar - Balthazar BaltzarBarnabas - Barnebas Barnabus BarnbasBarnaby - Barnabe Barniby Barnabee Barnabye Barnby BarnabeusBarnard - Barnarde Bernard Barnet BernardusBartholomew - Bartilmew Bartholmew Barthelme Bartellme Bartolmy Bartholomme Bartilmey Bartimeus
Bartolomaeus Bartholomaeus Bartholomeus Bat Bate Batty Bartle Bartlet Bartelot Badcock Batcock Batkin Toll Tolly Tholly TolletBenedict - Benedick Benedicke Benet Bennett Benedictus Ben BensonBenjamin - Beniamine Beniamyn Bengemane Bengamen Benimen Beniaminus BenBernard - Bernarde, BernardusBertram - Bartram, Bertran, Bertramus, Bertrannus, BertrandusBevis - Bevys, Bevicius, BeuiciusBonaventure - BonaventureBoniface - Bonyface Bonifous Boneface BonifaciusBotolf - Botolfe, BotolphBrian - Bryan, BrianteBruno - BrunowCeasar - Cesar, Seser, CaesariusCaleb - Calib, CalipCamillusCaradoc - Caradog, Caradocus, KaradocusCharles - Charlles, Charells, Charlys, Carolous, Charolous, CharlotChichesterChristopher - Chrystopher Christofer Chrystofere Chrysteffor Christover Christofur Christofre Crystover Crysteover Christouer Cristove Xpofer Xtofer Xofr Xpo Christo Kit Kester CrestolotCiprian - Cyprian, Siprian, Seprene, CiprianusColin - Colan, Colein, Cailean, Nicholas, Colandus, ColinetConstantine - Costaine Costane Costan Costin Custin Costantius ConstantinusCornelius - Cornelyus Cornilius Cornelys CornelusCrispin - Crispian, Crispen, Crispyan, Crispinus, CrispianusCuthbert - Cuthburt, Cuthbart, cutbert, Cutberd, Cutbearde, Cudbart, Cudburd, Curdbard, CuddyCyriack - Cyriacke Syriack Cyriacus CereacusDaniel - Danyell, Danielus, dankin, DannetDavid - Davidus, Daw, Dawkin, Davie, DavitDenzil - Denzill, DenzileDeodatus - Deodat, Adeodatus, DeodonatusDermot - Diarmid, DermiciusDerrick - Derek, Derric, Deryk, Dyrrycke, Dyryk, DirryckeDominick - Domynicke, DominicusDrew - Dru, Drue, Drugo, Drogo, Droco, Drago, Drugan, Drewcock, Drocock, DrewetEamon - EdmundEdmund - Edmunde, Edmond, Emond, Edmundus, Edmondus, EadmundusEdward - Edwarde, Edwarte, Edwardus, Eadwardus, Edowardus, Eudoardus, Ned, TedEdwin - EdwineElias - Ellis, Elyas, HelyasElier - Helier, ElerusElijah - Elias, EllisElkanah - Ell cana, El kanaEllis - Ellas, Ellys, Elis, Ellice, Ellies, Elias, Eligius, Ellicius, Elyas, Helyas, eliot, Elyot, Elcock, elisot, ElicotEmanuel - Emmanuel ,Emanuell, Immanuel, Manuel, EmmanuelusEmlyn - AemiliusEmmett - Emott, Emmott, EmmetEmrys - AmbroseEngland - EnglandeEnoder - EnidorErasmusEsdras - EzraEsme Ethelbert - Edelbert, AtlebartEubold - Ewball, Euball, Eubule, Eball, Eble, Ybel, Ebulo, Eubolo, EubulusEudo - Eudy, Eudye, Odo, Udo, Udy, Udey, Udye, Uter, Eudo, Eudes, OdoEuseby, Edsaby, EusebiusEvan - Even, Ievan, Jevon, Iefan, Ifan, JohnEverett - Everitt, EverardEwen - EwanEzekial - Ezechiel, Ezeckial, Ezekiell, Issakhell, EzekielusEzekias - Ezechias, Ezichias, Ezachias, HezekiasEzra - Esdras, EasdraseFabian - Fabyan, FabianusFaithfull - FaythfulFalk - FulkFelix - Felyx, FelyseFerdinando - Fardinando, FerdinandusFilbert - Philbert, Filibert, fulbert, Filbertus, FulbertusFirmin - Firmine, Fyrmyn, Firminus, FerminusFrancis - Frances Francys Francisse Frauncis Fraunces Frauncys Fraunsis Franncs Franciscus Frank FraunceFrank - Francke, Fraunk, FrancusFrederick, Frederic, Ferdericus, FridericusFulbert - FilbertFulk - Fulke, Foolke, Fowke, Falk, Fawke, Fawks, Fulco, Folcho, Foulconus, Falcho, Falkasius, Fulchon, Figg, FigginGabriel - Gabriell Gabryell Gabrael Gabrell Gabrele GabrihellGalfrid - Geoffrey, GalfridusGamaliel - Gamaliell Gamalyell Gamyliell GammellGarethGawain - Gawen, Gawin, Gawyn, Gawayne, Gawn, Gawne, Gaven, GavinGedian - Jedeon, GideonGemmel - GamelGeoffrey - Geffray Gefry Gefferie Geffrie Geffera Gaffere Galfrid Jefferey Jeaffry Jeffery Jefry Jeffray Jeffrie Jefferie Jefarie Jaffrey Japharey Iefrey Galfridus Gaulfridus Gaufridus Geofridus Goisfridus Joffridus Geve Jeff Jeffkin Jeff-cock Giff GiffenGeorge - Georg Gorge Jorge Ieorge Geordge Georgius, Gorgius JuddGerald - Geraldus Geroldus GiraldusGerard - Garrard Garred Gerret Garret Gerardus Girardus JarardusGerman - Jerman Jermyn Germayne Ierman Germanus Iermanus GermanicusGerrance - GerenceGershom - Gersam Gersyon Gersan GosumGervase - Gervice Gervais Gerveas Gerveys Gervis Gervys Gervise Jervis Jervas Jarvis Jarvish Gervasius GeruasiusGilbert - Gilbart Gilberd Gylbert Gylbart Gylbarde Gelbart Gelbarte Gilbertus Gilebertus Gislebertus Gib Gibbon GilpinGoddard - Godard, GodardusGodfrey - Godfre Godefrey Godefrei GodefridusGodwin - Godewin Godwine GoodwinGoldwin - GouldwinGoronwy - GranwaGregory - Gregorie Greggory Gregori Gregorye Greagory Grigorey Grigorie Gregry Gregoius Crig Grig GregGriffith - Griffin Griffeth Gryffen Griffinus Gryffinus GittoGuy - Gye Gy Wy Guide Guydo wido Guiot Guyot Guion Wyot WyonHabell - AbelHakon - HaconHamlet - Hamlett, Hamelot, HameletHamnet - Hamonet, HampnetHam - Hamo, Hamon, HammHannibal - Hanniball, HanyballHarold - Harrold, Herold, Haraldus, Haroldus, AraldusHarry - Hary Harye Harrie Harre Hare Herry Herre Herrye Henry Henricus Hendricus Hericus Hal Halkin Herriot HalletHelier - Hellier Herlier Helerous Elier HelerusHenry - Henrie Henery Henrye Henerie Heanory Hennary Hendry Hendereye Harry Henricus Hendricus Hericus Henriot Hal HalkinHerbert - Harbert, Harbard, HerbertusHercules - Herckulus, HercilesHerman - Harmin Harman Armin HermanusHezekiahHierome - Hierom Herom Jerome HieronimusHippolytus - Ipolitus, Ippolitus, EpowlettHomer - HomerusHowell - Hoell, Hoel, Hywel, HoelusHugh - Hew, Hewe, Hewghe, Heug, Heughe, Huchon, Hugo, Huget, Hugin, Huglin, Hudd, Hewet, Hughelot, Huelot, HeweletHumphrey - Humphrie Humphry Humfrey Humfry Humfrie Humfri Humfre Humfrye Homfrey Humphray Homfray Homfraye Humpherey Omfrey Onfre Umphry Umpphre Umphra Humfridus Hunfridus Humfredus Umfredus Dumphry DumpIngram - Ingramaham Ingerame Yngerame Ingramus Ingeramus Ingelramus Engleramus EngeramusInnocent - IncenteIsaac - Isaake Isaacke Issaake Isack Isake Isek Issach Izaak Isaakus Isachus Ishacus Hick Hickin Higg Higgin Higgot Hitch Hiscock Hitch-cock HeacockIshmael - Ishmaell IsmaelIsrael - Iserel IssarellIssakhell - Ezechiel Ezeckial Ezekiell Ezekielus EzekielJack - John, Jackin, Jacket, JackettJacob - Jacobe, Jacubb, Jakob, Jacobus, Iacobus, JacomusJacquesJames - Jamys Jams Jeames Jheames Jemis Iames Ihams Iamys Jacobus Iacobus Jacomus Jacominus Jem JemmyJasper - Jesper, Gaspar, Jasperus, GasperusJenkin - Jenken, JenkineJeremiah - Ierimiah, Jeremy, Hieremias, JeremiasJeremy - Jeremie, Jeromye, Jereme, Jerme, Ieremy, Jerome, Hieremias, JeremiasJerome - Jerom, Jeram, Gerrom, Ieram, Hierom, Hierome, Herom, Jeremy, Hieronimus, Hieronymus, Jeronimus, GeronimusJevan - Jecon, Ievan, Evan JohnJohn - Jhon, Johan, Johanne, Iohn, Joan, Johannes, Johanes, Joannes, Iohannes, Jack Jenning Jenkin John-cock Jack-cock Hankin HancockJonah - Jonas JhonasJonathanJoscelin - Jocelin Josslyn Goscelinus Goselinus JocususJoseph - Josephe Joshephe Jospethe Josepethe Josephus JoskinJoshua - JosuaJosiah - Josias JosyasJulian - Julyan Julyane Julianus JuetJuliusJustinian - JustinianusKenelm - Kenelme Kanelm Kenhelme Kenelmus Kenhelmus KenulmusKennethKenrick - Kendrick KenricusKenward - KenardKester - CristopherLambert - Lambard Landebertus Lambertus Lambin Lambkin LampkinLancelot - Lansselott Lansolet Lanslet Launcelott Launselot Launzelett Lance Lancelotus LancilottusLaurence - Lawrence Lawrance Laurens Laurans Lowrens Lorence Larence Laransse Laurentius Lavrentius Law Larkin Lay-cockLeonard - Lennard Lenerd Lionard Lionhardus Leonhardus LennardusLevin - LeofwinLewis - Lewys Lewes Looys Ludouicus Lodewicus AloysiusLibbeusLionel - Lyonel Lyonell LeonellusLlewelyn - Llewellyn Lewellin Lewlin Leoline Lewis Leuelinus Luelinus AloysisusLuciusLuke - Luce Luck Lucke Luk Lucas Lucasius Lucock Lukin LuckinMacy - Mace Macey Matthew Maceus Macius MathiasMadoc - Madog Madocus MaidocusMagnusMalcolm - Malculm Maucolyn Malculinus MalcolinusMarcellus - Mercellus MarcusMarion - MarianusMark - Marke Merk Markus Marcus Markes MarchusMarmaduke - MarmaducusMarthias - Mathias MatthewMartin - Martyn Marteyn Martinus Martel Martlet MartinetMathias - Mathyas Matthew MatthiasMaurice - Mauris Mourice Morris Mauritius Mauricius MeuriciusMawe - Matthew Mathaeus MauditusMelchior - MelcherMelchisadek - Melchisedeck Melchisedec Melchesideck MelchizidecMeredith - Maredudd Mereducius Moreducus MoredicusMethuselah - MathushelahMichael - Michaell Mychaell Michell Mykell Mighell Mihill Myghchaell Micaelis MichaelisMiles - Mils Myles Myls Milo MilotMorris - Moris Mores Morys Moryse Morryse Morrice Mauris Mourice Morysh Maurice Mauritius Mauricius MeuriciusMosesMungo - Minggoe MungowNathanNathaniel - Nathannell Nathaneal Natheannel NatNicholas - Nicolas Nycholas Nycolas Nikolas Niccolas Nicolaus Necolas Nicalas Nickelas Niclas Nyclas Nycles Nichlis Nycklus Nikless Nycholls Micolaus Nicholas Nick Nicol Nicolin Nicolet Col Cole Collet Colin ColinetNinian - Nynian Nynyan Ninyon NinyingeOliver - Olivere Olyver Olver Olyfer Oliuer Oliverus Oliuerus Noll NollyOriginalOrlando - RolandOsmond - OsmundOswald - Oswall Oswell Oswalkdus OsuualdusOswin - Oswyn Oswyne OswinusOthniel - Othaniell Otis - Otes Otys Othes Otho Otto Otheus Ottie OdinelOttiwell - Otewell Otywell Ottywell Ottowell Otwell OthwellOwen - Owain Owin Owyne Owinus Oenus Oeneus Audoenus AudoinusPagan - Pain PaganusPain - Payn Payne Pagan Paganus Paynot PaynetPancras - PanctatiusPascal - PascoePascoe - Pasco Pascho Paskow Paskowe Pascow Pascaw Parscho Parschoe Paskin PashkinPatrick - Pattrik Patric Patrycke Patternicke PatriciusPaul - Paule Pawle Powle Pooule Paulus Paulin Paulet PalcockPercival - Percevall Persivell Percyvell Persifel Pearsivoll ParcevelPeregrine - Peregrin Peregryne Perigreene Perrigrine Perrygreen PeregrinusPeter - Peeter Petur Petyr Petter Piers Pearce Petrus Perkin Parkin Perrin Perrot Pidcock PeacockPethericke - PatrickPhilemon - PhilemonusPhythian - Phytheon Fithian VicianPierre - Petrus PerrinPiers - Pyers Pierce Peares Peeres Pears Pearse Pers Peter Pero Petrus PerrinPostumus - PosthumusQuentin - Quintin Quityne QuintinusRadulph - Ralph Radulfus RadulphusRalph - Ralf Ralfe Raff Raffe Rafe Raaf Raph Raphe Rauf Rauffe Rauphe Radulfus RadulphusRanald - Ranall Reynold Reginald Rannulfus RanulphusRandal - Randell Randle Randul Rendull Ranulf Randulfus Randulphus Rand RankinRanulf - Rannulf Rannulfis RanulphusRaphaelRaymond - Raimond RaimundusReginald - Reginalde Raginall Reynold ReginaldusRenatusRenfred - Reynfred Renfry Remfry Renfredus ReinfridusReynard - RaynardeReynold - Renold Renolde Reinold Reynald Reignald Regnold Reighnold Reyghnolde Reynols Ranall Ranald Reginald Ranall Ranald Reynoldus Reinaldus Rainaldus ReginaldusRhys - Rhees Rees Rice Rys Ricus Resus RiceusRichard - Richarde Richerd Richord Ritchard Rycharde Rychord Richaurd Richawrd Rychart Recchard Retcharde Ricord Ricardus Dick Dickin Diccon Dicket Rick Ricket RichelotRobert - Roberte Robarte Robard Robar Robeart Robeard Robord Robertus Robartus Rob Hob Hopkin Dob Dobbin Nob Bob Rob Robin Robelot Hobelot Robinet DobinetRoger - Rodger Rogger Rodgger Rogerus Rogerius Hodge DodgeRoland - Rolland Rowlande Rouland Rolandus Rowlandus RohelendusRuben - RuebenSalathiel - Salathyell Slathiell Samson - Samsonne Samphson SansumSamuel - Samuell Samwell Samewell Samnell SamellSavery - Savary Savaricus SauaricusSebastian - Sebastyne SebastianusSeth - SetheSweall - Sewell Saswallo SewallusSidrack - Sidracke Sidrach Sydrach Sydrak Sidrucksigismond - SegidmundeSilas - Slivanus Siluanus Silcock SilkinSimeon - SimmionSimon - Symon Simonde Symonde Symounde Symont Symon Sim Symme Simkin Symkyn Sinkin simcockSolomon - Sollomon Sollmon Saloman SallomanStephen - Stephane Steephen Steve Stevyn Steeven Steaven Stephanus Stefanus Stevanus StepkinTerry - Teyre Theodoric Terricus TherricusTheobald - Tibald Tibbald Tebald Tedbalth Tibb TipkinTheodore - Theodoure Theodorus Theodoricus Teodoricus TedricusTheophilus - Theoflid Teofle OffylusThomas - Tomas Tammas Thomasius Tam Tom Thom Tomlin Tomkin Thoma Thomaset Mace MaceyThurstan - Turstan Thurstante Trustan Thrystan TurstanusTimothy - Timothie Timothe Tymothye Timotheus TimTitusTobias - Thobias Toby Tobit Tobin Tobye TobeyTristram - Trystram Trsytrome TrysteramUriahUrin - Urian Uren Uryn Euryn Urion Urien Uryan Urias Urianus UryVincent - VincentiusVivian - Vivyan Phytian Phytheon Fithian VivianusVortigern - Wurtigernus VortigernusWaldeve - Waldive Waldef Waldevius WaldeuiusWalter - Waltere Water Wauter Wauler Whater Gualter Gualther Gwalter Gowther Galterus Gualterus Gualterius Gualcherus Wat Watkin GwatkinWarrne - Warin Guarin Warinus Garinus Guarinus WarinotWido - Wedo, Guy, WyWilfred - Wilfrid Wilfride Villefredus William - Wylliam Willyam Wyllyam Wellyam Wellem Gulielmus Gullielmus Guglielmus Willelmus Wilhelmus Will Willot Wilmot Wilcock Willkin Willin Gill Gillot Gillotin GilletWistan - Wystane WigstanXpian - Christian Crispian XpianusXpofer - Xpfer Xtopher Xpopher Xstopher Expofer Xtophorus Xtopherus XpophorusYbel - EuboldYngerame - IngramZachariah - Zacharia Zacharyah Zecharyah Zachary ZachariasZachary - Zacary Sackry ZacharariasZachye - Zachei Zachey Zakkai Zaccheus
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Holy cow, you weren't kidding this is long.I'm going to confine myself to listing my favorites. But I really do love almost anything historic. The older the better. :-)My favorites (if it says thanks, that means it's new to me):Abel, Adam, Adrian, Angus, Alan, Alban, Algernon, Aloysius (Louis), Amias, Ambrose, Archibald, Arthur, Aubrey, Augustine, Averill, Balthazar, Barnabas / Barnaby, Deodatus (thanks), Hercules, (oops, got to go)By the way, I don't think it's fair to call some of these "creative" spellings. Since spelling wasn't standardized until several centuries later, all of these spellings were acceptable at the time. (I assume by putting quotations around the word creative that you use it pejoratively.)
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I don't think it's fair to call some of these "creative" spellings.Oh, I know - I'm a major history buff :-) But it's easier for the non-history buffs on the board to understand than explaining the whole non-standardized spelling issue... everyone here knows what "kry8tyve" means!
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