Re: Priscilla
in reply to a message by Lily8
I will admit that I like Priscilla. I don't think of Priscilla Presley at all.I've heard many times on many boards that the name Priscilla is cruel, and people would either call her Prissy or Silly. But when I went to high school I was very surprised to find that there was a girl in my class named Priscilla! No one ever called her Prissy or Silly, or made fun of her name in any way. She went by her full name and that's what everyone called her.Now, I don't know how elementary school was for her, but by high school she liked that her name was different and she didn't get any grief over it.
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Priscilla  ·  Lily8  ·  3/1/2009, 3:34 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  Circus Lullaby  ·  3/1/2009, 8:58 PM
I dont Priscilla is dated. I think its lovely nt  ·  I_Love_Jesus  ·  3/1/2009, 8:17 PM
I love Priscilla!  ·  kookiemonster71  ·  3/1/2009, 7:49 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  TheDreadedSockMonkey  ·  3/1/2009, 6:30 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  Lumiereslove  ·  3/1/2009, 4:45 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  Dragon_Clarinet  ·  3/1/2009, 4:39 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  BBH  ·  3/1/2009, 4:38 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  lola77  ·  3/1/2009, 3:55 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  Vek  ·  3/1/2009, 3:49 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  JennaMichelle  ·  3/1/2009, 3:43 PM
Re: Priscilla  ·  Skye  ·  3/1/2009, 4:27 PM