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Lately I've just been loving Nilofer, prn NEE-luh-fer. It reminds me of Jennifer, but without the uberpopularity. I don't think I'd use a nn for it. Anyway, WDYT? Any combo suggestions?
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Unless you have Persian ancestry, I don't think it works.
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I think it's cute. A girl named Nilofer went to my school. She was a few years younger than me. It makes me think of the Nile river. Lovely name.Nilofer Lotus and Nilofer Emmeline are cute.
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I like Nilofar because it's Persian
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Mmmm....Nilla Wafers
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I think Nilofer Enid is my favorite of yours. *Files away on name list*
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I'vs always loved it, but others don't seem to like it.
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It's nice, and has a pretty meaning, though I prefer Niloufar myself, which would solve the problem of the Jennifer association.
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I like Niloufar too, especially with the nn Nilou (NEE-loo), but it looks like it should be prn nee-loo-FAR. And I like the Jennifer association. :)
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