I have mixed feelings about her (my mother-in-law, I mean -- and doesn't everyone have mixed feelings about their in-laws?), and by extension about her name. But it appeals to me, all connections to her notwithstanding. From your list I like:
Joan Adelaide Joan Amarantha Joan ArabellaJoan AramintaJoan Augusta (I really like this rhythm despite the fact that I don't even like
Augusta at all)
Joan AureliaJoan BeatriceJoan BeatrixJoan Camellia (
Camellia is a fave of mine)
Joan CeciliaJoan CecilyJoan CelestineJoan Clementina Joan Clementine Joan CordeliaJoan Corisande
Joan Cressida Joan Delila (I prefer
Delilah with the H)
Joan DorotheaJoan EleanorJoan Elisabetta (though I like Elisabella better)
Joan EloiseJoan IsabelJoan Larkspur
Joan Lavender Joan Louisa (though I like
Louise better with
Joan Marceline Joan Marguerite (I'm in love with
Joan Marigold (this is quite charming)
Joan OctaviaJoan Pomeline
Joan RosamondJoan Rosemonde-
not Joan Susanna, but
Joan Susanne instead
Joan Violette
For myself, I think I prefer
Joan as a mn.
Mary Joan is my fave.
This message was edited 3/1/2009, 1:33 AM