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WDYTO Ivo for a boy? Would you prnoince it EE-vo, EE-fo or something else?Any middle name ideas?Thanks
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I love it! I pronounce it EYE-vo. I first saw it used on a programme that is screened in the UK called 'Child of our Time' which follows a number of children who were born around 2000 until they are grown up. Ivo is a cheeky wee Scottish boy with a twin called Alex. I have loved the name ever since!
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I've forgotten about Ivo! I'm actually substantially fond of it...I prefer the "EE-vo" pronunciation.
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It's EE-vo to me and I consider it a nn for Ivan. Can't say I'm a fan since it's dated and old manish here.Ivo Sebastian
Ivo Lucian
Ivo Marcus
Ivo Jackson
Ivo Emilian
Ivo Nicholas
Ivo Fletcher
Ivo Maximilian
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I'm sorry but I absolutely hate it. Mostly because of a guy a know named Iwo (his sisters name is Liw). I prn it EE-vo. Ivo Alexander
Ivo Sebastian
Ivo Constantine
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I pronounce it Eye-vo. It's on my list - I love it!Ivo Edward flows very well imo.
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