Forgive me if I've already suggested this to you, but my favorite is
Eleanor Blythe.
Others you might like:
Eleanor MatildaEleanor FrancesEleanor CecilyEleanor WinifredEleanor PrudenceEleanor GwynethEleanor MorwennaEleanor Beatrice /
BetrysEleanor GwendolenEleanor CarysEleanor BronwenEleanor GlynisEleanor Margery /
Marjorie /
MargaidEleanor MurielEleanor Kerensa /
KerenzaEleanor Sinead ("shi-NAYD")
Eleanor Myfanwy ("mi-VAWN-wee")
Eleanor Sian
Seren is a lovely name. Or at least it would be to me if it didn't remind me of the deadly gas. I think there's a name
Steren, or is that too masculine sounding for you?