Today i met a little girl with this name what do you think about it?
I thought it was cute and it really suited her.
I thought it was cute and it really suited her.
They probably named her after the character in the movie My Girl. But the character's name was spelled Vada, which I prefer to Vaida. It's okay. I love Ada.
I really like Vaida. It's a Lithuanian name, and I would consider using it to honor my Lithuanian heritage.
It makes me think of Vada from My Girl, so I see it as a young girl.
ditto but..
I can see it working on any age. Without that movie character I'd probably think of it as an old-lady type name, but with it I think it's sweet and very usable. I like it.
I can see it working on any age. Without that movie character I'd probably think of it as an old-lady type name, but with it I think it's sweet and very usable. I like it.
I know a girl named Veda with sisters Reianna (Ree-on-uh) and Jacsmin. I definitely think Veda / Vaida is the best out of the three but I don't like it and I would never use it.