oh god, it's worse than ever!
Madison Pie: For the cannibal in you.
Nevaeh Cindy Sue; Trcuk-stop goes tryndee.
Phoenix Dawn: CIA covert operation name.
Jimberly: Are you sure she isn't the latest Duggar?
Israeli: And her sibs Palestinian, CHinese and Danish?
Greedan Joel: Greed an' joel.
Sqielyr: Squealer?
Fox: I think it's trashy to call a girl Fox.
Mery/Mary Christmas: Children As Silly Puns and Wordplay.
Christmas Fanny: Somebody wants a fine butt for Xmas.
Mystery Moon: Nancy Drew? Or Hardy Boys?
North Carolina: More Children as Silly Puns and Wordplay.
Orca: Just dumb.
Orca Nora: Remember Mork from Ork?
Rainbow Chilana: New brightly colored snack mix.
Mourning Fox: Don't know a fox would be mourning.
Royal Fox: Reminds me of Royal Farms minimart.
Dophin Park: And his sister Busch Gardens.
Shark: All the little Jets running around, he's liable to get hurt.
Holiday Hicks: It's a redneck Xmas!
Moon John: Is that a command?!
Clementine: He'll go berserk with a shotgun after only so many "Oh my darlin' Clementine" choruses.
Fox Hunter: Tally-ha ha ha.
Archimedes Piper: Must've let a computer name him.
Clean Summer: Named to commemorate the only summer his parents stayed clean and sober.
Golden Autumn: From Clairol.
Hell Katherine: So they can call her Hell Cat.
Desert Edge: The latest Clive Cussler.
Earth Angel: Is that her street name?
Sydney Australia: No shit.
Sea Deliverance: Actually, I think Deliverance was about rivers...
God's Gift: No prizes for guessing what becomes of that family.
Leopard: Never thought I'd spot that one. Haw haw.