Re: Jessica
in reply to a message by Lily8
What do you think of Jessica? Pretty or overused and soon to be dated? How many Jessicas do you know and how old are they? Do you happen to know their middle names or nicknames?
I think I personally know three (though one is a Jessika) and there are about three more I know of through friends and family.Do you think this name will make its way out of the top 100 anytime soon and be usable again? Can you see it sounding really dated soon (like Chelsea) or will it remain fashionable (like Rebecca).
I don't know. I think it's really dated to the 80s, much like Jennifer. I think it'll remain in the top 100 some more years, and then drop out.Which nicknames do you like for Jessica? Jessie or Jess?
Every Jessica I've ever known went by Jessie. I like it best.Do you prefer Jessie or Jessa on their own? Do you think they're too nickname-ish? I kind of like both of them on their own. Would it be just like giving her the popular name of Jessica because all Jessicas go by Jessie?
I don't like Jessie on its own at all. Partly because it's too much of a nickname and partly because I had a boyfriend called Jesse and it sounds masculine to me. I'd still go with Jessica, it sounds much more dignified than just Jessie/Jessa.Do you like Jennica? Do you know anybody named that and how do they spell it?
Blergh, no, I hate it. I hate most names ending in -ica (like the horrible mispronunciation of the lovely Danica). It sounds made up and trendy.Do you like Jessamine? Jessamine nn Jessie or Jessa, maybe? Do you prefer Yessica?
Now that you mention it, I think I once knew a Yessica, too. I always thought it was because people were pronouncing it the wrong way, but now I think she was a Yessica. It sounds weird to me, like people were trying too hard to not use trendy Jessica and come up with something similar.I very much like Ada Jessica. It sounds lovely.I also wanted to say that I love the threads you post to the Name Opinions board. Your questions and everything, it's like you really think about it before and don't just ask "What do you think of this name?" That's all. :)

This message was edited 11/20/2008, 9:14 AM

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Jessica  ·  Lily8  ·  11/19/2008, 1:20 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  lisabecs  ·  11/20/2008, 9:00 AM
Re: Jessica  ·  15HourNap  ·  11/19/2008, 6:52 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  abbasdaughter  ·  11/19/2008, 4:43 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  Kate  ·  11/19/2008, 4:32 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  KrisMichelle  ·  11/19/2008, 3:09 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  Chrysanthemum  ·  11/19/2008, 2:14 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  Rose-Berry  ·  11/19/2008, 2:04 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  Tippins  ·  11/19/2008, 2:00 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  Avis  ·  11/19/2008, 1:56 PM
Dated!  ·  REM  ·  11/19/2008, 1:45 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  mafiosa  ·  11/19/2008, 1:42 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  Lily8  ·  11/19/2008, 2:18 PM
Thank you. :) nt.  ·  mafiosa  ·  11/19/2008, 2:20 PM
Re: Jessica  ·  Sekhmet  ·  11/19/2008, 1:24 PM