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Rearden, Riordan, or Rordan?
Which do you prefer?
How do you pronounce it?

This message was edited 10/28/2008, 1:52 AM

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Definitely Riordan (I pronounce it REER-din). Rearden just looks wrong and will probably be subject to teasing. Rordan, looks like Jordan gone wrong, and I wouldn't pronounce it in the same way as the others.
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I really like these names, and I prefer Rordan. The nickname Rory would be cute for it. I don't like Rearden, it needs to be spelled Riordan, it looks nicer. Rearden and Riorden are both pronounced REER-din and Rordan is ROHR-din, rhyming with Jordan.
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My favorite is probably Riordan. I like the look of Rearden, but the rear thing invites teasing, so Riordan just avoids that problem.I'd pronounce Rearden and Riordan REER-din, and Rordan ROHR-din (unless you mean Rórdán, in which case I would say ROHR-dawn... not 100% sure if that's right though).
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