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I always liked the name Regan. Pronounced REE-gen. I really really dislike RAY-gen and all the other spellings of it such as Reagan and Raegan. What do you think ? Would her name always be mispronounced ? Do you prefer Regan or Reagen etc and how do you pronounce them ? Do you think Reegan would be better ?How many do you know and how do they spell and pronounce it ?I never read King Lear even though I read most of Shakespeare's plays. Was the character really that evil and what did she do ?thanks
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I hate most -an and -en names on girls, so I can't get behind Regan. If you realy want to prn Regan like REE-gen, then spell it Reegan. I've never met any girls with either name prn.
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Read King Lear.Read King Lear and then imagine having a daughter named Regan.
Really.Oh my god.
Aside from that I have always found it ugly, unfeminine, unattractive, etc. I hate -gan on names, I have always hated Megan for instance. They feel so so ... I dunno, they make me feel claustrophobic, like I am suffocating a little. It is the ultimate bland dreadful namething.I know a few RAY-gens but not any REEgans.
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I agreePlus it sounds like Reagan as in the present, which at least for me isn't such a great association.
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well I dislike it because of the exorcist [m]I prefer Reagan and on a boy said RAY-gun, not ree-gun.

This message was edited 10/24/2008, 6:47 PM

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Regan is REE-gan, where I live.Regan is the best.I know a few, although I'm not sure how they spell it.I don't like it much because my sister has a friend called Regan and she is super annoying. Plus I think it sounds pretty fugly.
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I prefer Reagan to Regan b/c I like the pronounciation better. But only a bit, they are almost even on how much I like them. I *don't* like Raegan tho.
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If you lived in Australia it would be pronounced REE-gen! The character in King Lear wouldn't bother me so much, but the one in the Exorsist might. But that movie's pretty old anyway.I would just go with Regan.
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I really like Regan, prn the way you prn it. I don't think it would be mispronounced, it's pronounced pretty much how it looks. Reegan is unnecessary IMO, plus it looks pretty ugly. I don't know anyone with the name or anything similar, although there was a character on an Aussie TV show called 'McLeod's Daughters' with the name, spelt and prn the same way you do.
Yeah the Shakespeare character was pretty evil, but that shouldn't put you off using the name if you like it. I'd use it myself if it was further up my list of favourites.
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McLeodsi just watched an episode and they said RAY-gen. but it wasn't the english version. but on imdb it say Reagan.
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Hmm. They definitely say Regan in the Aussie version. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen it written down. *checks McLeod's Daughters site* They spell it Regan there (ep 119 on this page Maybe it's a dialectal thing.
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I prefer Regan. As for the King Lear thing, I think I (and most people) would associate it with the girl from The Exorcist first and the King Lear character second.
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I like Regan too but pronounced ray-gan. I used to really like it and even considered using it at one stage (spelt Raegan) but after watching The Exorcist I went against it. I also have a male cousin named Reagan (ree-gan).
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What Regan does: she tells her father eloquently how much she loves him, in order to gain a good piece of England to rule, and doesn't mean a word. She refuses to house her father's train (as was agreed upon when he divvied up the land). She turns him out into a tempest, barring her doors (or rather, making Gloucester bar his doors). When Gloucester gives Lear shelter, she and her husband gouge out his eyes and throw him out to "smell his way to Dover". Immediately after her husband's death, she starts a passionate love affair with Gloucester's bastard son, who's also having an affair with her elder sister (the other evil one, not Cordelia). I'd say she's that evil- she reminds me a lot of Lady Macbeth, and that's echoed in the fact that she and Goneril are called "unnatural hags" by an enraged Lear. I don't think it renders the name unusable, I think she's a great character and the name is so much more pleasant than Reagan/Raegan/whatever; I always suggest it to people considering Reagan.Her name may be frequently mispronounced, though. I'm in a production now, and both the director and the actress playing Regan even get it wrong occasionally (much to my dismay). But it's easy enough to correct. Don't go for Reegan, that looks horrifying. Go with Regan.
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Also a frequent theme thruout king leardaughters. Lear wails and moans and cries about his accursed daughters. How cursed he has been to have daughters! Hear that poor miserable fellow, he must have daughters!You really should read it. I just

anyone naming their daughter Regan. Even naming her Ladymacbeth wouldn't be the same. She is not an ordinary villain, she is a daughter villain. It
You should read it.
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