Just wondering whether you think it's too long... do you think it would always get shortened to Alex ? do you know any ? do they go by their full name ?
I like Alexandria, but I still prefer the sound of Alexandra. I don't think it would always get shortened to Alex. I think Alexa makes a nice nickname.
I know two. My friends fiance's daughter is 4 and her name is Alyxandria and my cousins daughter is 6 months named Alexandra (no i). They go by Alyx & Alexi respectively.
If you call her by her full name and don't shorten it others will follow suit. Or you could use another nn Alexi, Lexi, Alexa for example.
If you call her by her full name and don't shorten it others will follow suit. Or you could use another nn Alexi, Lexi, Alexa for example.
I prefer Alexandra, but Alexandria is usable. Long and blue-blood, but still usable.
I love it. I don't like Alex though...
Love it!
It is long, but that doesn't mean it's going to get shortened. I have a 4 syllable name myself and I don't shorten it in my professional circles. No one has a problem with it.
It is long, but that doesn't mean it's going to get shortened. I have a 4 syllable name myself and I don't shorten it in my professional circles. No one has a problem with it.