It's been my favorite boys' name since 3rd grade, but suddenly it seems rather bland. What are your thoughts on it?
I love it and would consider using it after my great uncle, most likely as a middle name.
Thomas is my favorite boys' name, too.
So I obviously don't find it bland. :D
I personally feel that there's something inherently charismatic, and even enigmatic, about Thomas that prevents it from being boring. I can't describe what it is, but it just feels innately handsome. Then again, it's a family name for me, so that might have something to do with it.
At any rate, I usually find that dressing up a common first name with a more uncommon middle name works to make everything more interesting. For example, my favorite Thomas combo is Thomas Jerome.
So I obviously don't find it bland. :D
I personally feel that there's something inherently charismatic, and even enigmatic, about Thomas that prevents it from being boring. I can't describe what it is, but it just feels innately handsome. Then again, it's a family name for me, so that might have something to do with it.
At any rate, I usually find that dressing up a common first name with a more uncommon middle name works to make everything more interesting. For example, my favorite Thomas combo is Thomas Jerome.
I looove Thomas nn Tom. Handsome and underused.
I sort it with these:
Thomas, Luke, Gabriel
I adore it
Whenever Simon seems rather bland I just don't think about it for a while
I sort it with these:
Thomas, Luke, Gabriel
I adore it
Whenever Simon seems rather bland I just don't think about it for a while
I think it is more exciting as a middle name than a first. Don't care for the overused Tom at all.
Some may consider it bland, but I like it. Its a versatile name; you can call him Tommy as a child, and Tom as an adult. Its always good to have options.