Re: Japanese names for non-Japanese Children
Ehh, it's a little weird to me. To me it seems different than using a name like Carys on a non-Welsh child, because Japanese names are more directly significant to the parent/child. They are usually composed of Japanese words, and mean something specific that the parent hopes for for their child. Three of the four names you listed sound pretty Western: Hana (Hannah), Ken, and Sora. You could pull them off, but it would bug the BAJEEZUS out of me if you said Hann-uh instead of HAH-nah. Same with Sora. You'd have to pronounce the R correctly, which takes a lot of practice and would be hard for English speakers to say. There's no problem with Ken, since it's pronounced pretty much identically.Ai is just not a good idea. It's pronounced almost exactly like the word "I." Just think of the confusion.. "Ai will go to the store." And imagine when she's a toddler and trying to learn English.. "You are Ai. I am Mom." !!!! I like Aiko better, and I think it works better.Plus, it would bug me slightly if they had middle names, since Japanese people don't.
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Japanese names for non-Japanese Children  ·  namebug  ·  7/9/2008, 1:29 PM
Re: Japanese names for non-Japanese Children  ·  raindancing  ·  7/10/2008, 7:47 AM
If you like Japanese names...  ·  lilah  ·  7/10/2008, 12:30 AM
Re: Japanese names for non-Japanese Children  ·  Nicola  ·  7/9/2008, 5:46 PM
only in america....  ·  brydz  ·  7/9/2008, 4:27 PM
Re: Japanese names for non-Japanese Children  ·  Katra  ·  7/9/2008, 2:55 PM
I would have initially said it was a tad obscure...  ·  Aileen  ·  7/9/2008, 2:24 PM
OT: What a neat heritage mix! nt  ·  Akua Topaz  ·  7/9/2008, 2:30 PM
OT: Ditto! What a neat heritage mix! nt  ·  namebug  ·  7/9/2008, 2:58 PM
Re: OT: What a neat heritage mix! nt  ·  Aileen  ·  7/9/2008, 2:39 PM
Re: Japanese names for non-Japanese Children  ·  Akua Topaz  ·  7/9/2008, 2:06 PM
Re: Japanese names for non-Japanese Children  ·  namebug  ·  7/9/2008, 2:51 PM
I don't see it any different then [m]  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  7/9/2008, 1:59 PM
Re: Japanese names for non-Japanese Children  ·  Caitlin  ·  7/9/2008, 1:36 PM