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The problem with Abaddon as a villain or anti-hero name is that it's already been used repeatedly for just that in literature and cinema and video games. At this point it's a little trite.
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Has it? Ah, I was afraid that it might have been, but the only place I've ever heard it was as a last name for one of the more minor characters on Lost. Oh well.
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Unfortunately. :(I've been playing through a video game lately in which the main evil god is Abaddon and his followers chant the name in basically every cut scene, so I could be a little hypersensitive. Here's a list of some other recent appearances:
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It does seem that the majority of the time it appears as one-name-only, like "Cher" or "Madonna" (except not at all like either of them, because, well, obviously). It also seems to be more common on gods or demons or overlords than actual perhaps that would give the name a bit of novelty? Or maybe I'm just being too optimistic.
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