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I've been up in the air with this one for a long time, but I like it. WDYT of it? What should I pair it with? I have no clue what will go with it. Can you picture it on a baby, or just an old guy down the street who yells at kids who cut across his lawn? WDYTO the association with Magellan? I like it. Which do you like better - Ferdinand or Fernão?
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I love Ferdinand, it's been a favourite of mine for a while.
I can definitely picture it on a baby.
I maybe showing my ignorance but I don't know of it's association with Magellan.I like Ferdinand, nickname Ferdy.
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It's a new love for me!I honestly don't think of Magellan first, I think of Franz. And no, not the band... the band is my second association. I think of Archduke Franz Ferdinand who's assination may have indeed sparked WWI (among other things). The name Ferdinand is not a negative associaion for me, though. Franz Ferdinand himself wasn't the bad guy, it was Gavrilo Princip or whoever the dude's name was. Anyway, I ADORE THE NAME FERDINAND! I made a post about it a while ago (don't worry, it was quite some time ago) and thesee were the combos that I came up with.Ferdinand Blaise
Ferdinand Constantine
Ferdinand Livius
Ferdinand Ludovic (I love this one!)
Ferdinand Matthias
Ferdinand Percival
Ferdinand Sergius
Ferdinand Tycho
Ferdinand WilhelmAlexis Ferdinand (uh-LEK-see)
Amos Ferdinand (I love it!)
Asa Ferdinand
August Ferdinand
Colin Ferdinand
Dimitri Ferdinand
Emmerich Ferdinand

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Wow! Ferdinand Constantine is amazing! Thanks so much! I'm starting to love Fernao even more... I wonder if pairing that with Constantine would be too weird... oh well.
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I also think of the bull who likes to sniff flowers, but its a sweet connotation. I'd love to meet a dude named Ferdinand.
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I think of the bull
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