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Re: Random BA's 3 in 1 [Long]
Bradlie Rianne -Its spelt Bradly and its a boys name
Trystyn Lee -a big trendy mess
River Breeze -too phrasey
Heaven Lee Rayne -I didn't know that rain could be heavenly
Berkleigh Reese -that lookd so ugly
Addicyn Saylor -ditto
Greenlee Claire -tritto
Jurnee Corin -for future referance, its spelt Journey
Cheriss Holly -is that suppose to say Cherise
Pearl Alice -this is in a 2008 birth annoucement?!
Treasure Denise -what a tacky nameBOYS
Atticus Troy -LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!
Stacy Shannon -alfully girly
Ace Lee -that sounds like a nickname
Scout Hardin Levi -see above
Bishop Alan -too religious
Cypress Jack -I like it as CyprusGIRLS
Story Sloane -that sounds so stupid
Eden-Violet Shalom -I like Eden and Violet, but not together like that
Nevaeh Spring -so tacky
Truly Jewel -truly stupid
Gaytona Giselle -she's going to be made fun of alot
Maddox Makari -on a girl
Miracle Joy -give me a break
Grayson Taya -its bad enough on a boy
Idea -here's an idea. Name your kid something that is a name
Wyatt -I like it...on a boy!
Nature -oh please
Malaysia Briann -isnt that a country
Maroon -isn't that what Bugs Bunny called stupid people
Emmersohn Noel -so trendy
Pear -hey if you can name your kid Apple...
Cactus -all I can say is, the poor childBOYS
Wedge Damion Exavier -kids are going to call him wedgie
Michaelangelo -I'm sorry but LOL
Parker Buddy -like a friend you park your car with
Josiahs Xavian -I actually like that middle name
Royal Henry -makes me think of King Henry
Macallister Sloan -weird
Napoleon Danger -I feel sorry for jim
Secret and Treasure -tackiness
Beautiful Music -my tackiness senses are tingling
Elvis -on a girl?
Jaiyde Diamond True -my tackiness senses blew up
Chasity Sequoia -a total GP
Ariel Jasmine -Someone needs to lay off the Disney movies
Bentler Grace -horrible name for a girl
Charleigh Willow -spell it Charlie then it would be cool
Starshae Le'niece -so she's your niece
Logan Xykaria -how in the heck do you pronounce that middle name
Tinley Ann -so ugly
Homer Lee -I think of Simpsons when I hear it
Magic Antice (Dad: Magic)-there are people named Magic old enough to be someone's dad?
Blitch Hensley -you know what that rhymes with
Kenya Rayshon -on a boy
Echo -like it for a girl
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