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Random BA's 3 in 1 [Long]
sorry if any repeats.GIRLS
Briley Cole
Jersey Elizabeth
Bryli Marcelle
Bradlie Rianne
Ohanna Sydney
Trystyn Lee
Finley Rhys
Isa Lynn
River Breeze
Genesis Ta'Shay
Heaven Lee Rayne
Berkleigh Reese
Wylei Rain
Priesley Alise
Azaria Jornye
Siri Joelle
Lokie Rai
Ilynd Elizabeth
Heavenly Renae
Addicyn Saylor
Greenlee Claire
Lovely Aundrea
Ireland Claire
Karma Nicole
Jurnee Corin
Iysis Raeden
Kayson Lashea
Abby Peach
Cheriss Holly
Pearl Alice
Pearl Leslie
Pearl Rose
Passion Nicole
Treasure Denise
London Elyse
Nevada RoseBOYS
Obie William
Atticus Troy
Athaniel Corde Ezra
Hart Richard
Colt Edward Allen
Jobe Thomas
Dakota Sky
Bryer Anthony
Clifford Isaiah
Stacy Shannon
Uriah Daniel
Houston Douglas
Chevy Brian
Ace Lee
Zion Raymar
Scout Hardin Levi
Bishop Alan
Ridge Michael
Mabry Ryan
Kendall Benjamin
Briley Lake
Briley Mykel
Reed Addison
Cypress JackGIRLS
Heavenly Carman
Aidyn Marie
Kai Sienna
Story Sloane
Eden-Violet Shalom
Bailey Shiloh Marie
Presley Antoinette
Mae Catherine
Kindle Avery
Nevaeh Spring
Roan Lara
Truly Jewel
Gaytona Giselle
Mecca J.
Maddox Makari
Miracle Joy
Hadley Davis
Grayson Taya
Koda-Lynn Naomi
Liberty Linn
Lennon Olivia
Shorrell Samantha Lee
June Ellen (born June 1, 2008)
Clancy Rae
Tristan Alexandria-Faye
Malaysia Briann
Emmersohn Noel
Alanis Marie
Bronson Elizabeth
Finley Elizabeth
Julliam Sophia
Cactus BOYS
Reav Walker
Boston G.
Eden-Shay Wolfe
Wedge Damion Exavier
Tiger Mick Barry
Memphis Murphy
Jaycob Artemas
Meyher Kaur
Parker Buddy
Courtney Elon
Bodhi Robert
Josiahs Xavian
Holtin Donald Jasper
Aisley Slade
Chace August
Royal Henry
Crew Porter
Lyric Robert
Macallister Sloan
Orien John
Napoleon Danger
Addison Jace
Zion Marley
Aryan Prakash
Jedidiah JefferyTWINS
Serenity Rose and Ember Rayne [girls]
Secret and Treasure [sisters]
Beautiful Music
Jaiyde Diamond True
Chasity Sequoia
Meghan Lindsey
Rayne Skilar
Phillis Diane
Ariel Jasmine
Bentler Grace
Eden Joy
Eden Elizabeth
Charleigh Willow
Starshae Le'niece
Anniston Elaine
Anastin Kay
Genesis Eden
Topango Elaine
Transley Jade
Paris Renee
Summers Marie
Logan Xykaria
Montana Louise
Serenity Angel
Iris Olivia
Greeli Jane
Tinley Ann
Quincy Claire BOYS
Silver Moon
Jess Adrian
Leonidis Maximus
Homer Lee
Hawkyns Lyle
Candler Benjamin
Solomon Miles
Ivory JarKaro’ (Dad: Ivory)
Sterling Wayne
Magic Antice (Dad: Magic)
Griffin Knox
Blitch Hensley
Anderson Leigh
Haven Blaine
Tyce Elliott
River Jaiden
Kenya Rayshon
Memphis Edwin
Talen Lake
Rynning Jackson
Nicodemus Daniel-Luke
Kreed Wayne
Leci Michael
Aysia and Kenyia [twin girls]
Lily & Jack
Harrison Alexander, Sabrina Faye and Nora Grace [triplets]
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usually with these posts i'll scroll the list and if there is at least one stand out ridiculous name that i NEED to comment on, i'll copy and paste and read the entire list to scan for more...The one that caught my eye today when scrolling was Cactus. Wtf???Jersey -reminds me of Coyote Ugly. but i honestly wouldn't like to be named after a type of cow.
Azaria Jornye -Azaria is such a pretty name, but here in Australia it's so closely related to the Azaria Chamberlain thing, that it would be almost like an American calling their child JonBenet.
Karma Nicole -nice :) prefer KamaObie William -lets hope Obie never becomes obese.
Jobe Thomas -i like Jobe. its a lovely name.
Truly Jewel -this sounds like a brand name.
Gaytona Giselle -ditto
Idea -lol. "i had an Idea today, at the hospital, it was "omg let's call our baby Idea", it was awesome"
Pear -lol
Cactus -lmfao!
Napoleon Danger -not another "danger is my middle name" its getting so old now.Beautiful Music -lol. i hope this kid turns out to be useless at instruments and totally tone deaf!
Transley Jade -oh wow! why not just go all the way and call her Trannie...
Iris Olivia -probably the nicest i've seen in this lot.
Leonidis Maximus -fantastic!!!! yay! a nice name. woohoo! lol
Bronco -i wonder if he'll ever move to Brisbane and play rugby for the Brisbane Broncos?Harrison Alexander, Sabrina Faye and Nora Grace [triplets] -not bad, but Alexander Harrison would have fitted in better with the girls names.
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Bradlie Rianne -Its spelt Bradly and its a boys name
Trystyn Lee -a big trendy mess
River Breeze -too phrasey
Heaven Lee Rayne -I didn't know that rain could be heavenly
Berkleigh Reese -that lookd so ugly
Addicyn Saylor -ditto
Greenlee Claire -tritto
Jurnee Corin -for future referance, its spelt Journey
Cheriss Holly -is that suppose to say Cherise
Pearl Alice -this is in a 2008 birth annoucement?!
Treasure Denise -what a tacky nameBOYS
Atticus Troy -LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!
Stacy Shannon -alfully girly
Ace Lee -that sounds like a nickname
Scout Hardin Levi -see above
Bishop Alan -too religious
Cypress Jack -I like it as CyprusGIRLS
Story Sloane -that sounds so stupid
Eden-Violet Shalom -I like Eden and Violet, but not together like that
Nevaeh Spring -so tacky
Truly Jewel -truly stupid
Gaytona Giselle -she's going to be made fun of alot
Maddox Makari -on a girl
Miracle Joy -give me a break
Grayson Taya -its bad enough on a boy
Idea -here's an idea. Name your kid something that is a name

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I swear, you han hardly tell the boys from the girls.Echo is nice, but a GIRLS NAME!
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I like:Briley (spelt Brylie)
Elizabeth (prefer Elisabeth)
Alise (spelt Elise)
Pearl Rose
Scout (f)
Mae Catherine (prefer Catherine May)
Tristan (m)
Tiger (prefer Tiger-Lily, f)
Jaycob (spelt Jacob)
Jaiyde (spelt Jade)
Ariel Jasmine (spelt Arielle)
Iris Olivia
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Bradlie Rianne: They had Bradley Ryan all picked out, but never thought to consider they might have a girl. So they had to think fast.River Breeze: Named for a can of air-freshener they found at Big Lots.Ilynd: And they wonder why kids can't spell.Abby Peach: Random Fruit Names, exhibit 398.Nevada Rose: Is she a racehorse? A legal brothel? A stagecoach?Atticus Troy: They know nothing of ancient Greece.Athaniel: Will forever spend his life explaining that no, he isn't Nathaniel.Stacy Shannon: Sounds like they raided the Popular Names list for girls born in 1979.Scout Hardin Levi: Whoo-ee! Every perverted scoutmaster's fantasy.Cypress Jack: THe terror of the swamps!Turly Jewel: Makes me think of some silly Disney TV show called Truly Julie or something.Gaytona: Is this the alternative publication for Daytona Beach?June ELlen: Very pretty!Idea: She's real now, better get used to it.Wyatt: Why???Nature: Queen of packaged foods and plastic toys.Maroon: To abandon.Pear: Random Fruit Name Exhibit 411.Wedge Damion Exavier: Give hima wedgie, see if he can excavate it.Parker Buddy: Remember the My Buddy dolls from the eighties? What if Parker Brothers made them?Courtney Elon: That mn needs to go.Crew Porter: Set for work on the railroad?Napoleon Danger: At least it wasn't Napoleon Dynamite.Secret and Treasure: Do they have a brother called Booty?Beautiful Music: Oh please.Elvis: If you ain't male, and yo last name ain't Presley, you do not deserve this name.Jaiyde Diamond True: True-Leigh Tackii.Ariel Jasmine: Like Disney princesses much?Genesis Eden: Watch out for that snake!Transley Jade: Great name for a transvestite.Summers: She can make friends with Athaniel as they try to explain why letters were randomly added or knocked off their names.Serenity Angel: Another from those awful Pictures of Dead Babies sites?Silver Moon: They have country-line-dancing contests every Friday night.Leonidis Maximus: His fossils were found in Nebraska.Blitch: That's the worst one on here.Saoirse: Now the whole Irish population is laughing at them.
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I like...GIRLS
Rhys (for a boy)
Siri Joelle
Pearl Alice (I like both names, but not together.)BOYS
Mae CatherineBOYS
Solomon Miles
Echo (for a girl)
Saoirse (also for a girl)
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Mae is so refreshing as a first name! ♥
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Finley Rhys - love the combo for a BOY
Heaven Lee Rayne - it's so not creative!
Siri Joelle - nice!
Nevada Rose - it's so not like me but I think it's a beautiful comboBOYS
Atticus Troy - Atticus is really growing on me but I don't like Troy
Dakota Sky - I love Sky for a boy but the combo is too girly imo
Ace Lee - like it a lot for some reason
Bishop Alan - I hate it. Bishop is a horrible name to give a childGIRLS
Story Sloane - what an extremely unattractive name
Presley Antoinette - nice combo
Gaytona Giselle - poor child
Grayson Taya - Greyson is not a girls name
June Ellen - I love it
Idea - yeah the had no idea what to name her
Nature - no!
Tristan Alexandria-Faye - great combo but hate Tristan for a girl
Emmersohn Noel - is it a girl, really?BOYS
Chace August - nice to see August but prefer it as a first name
Royal Henry - I hate Royal! Henry is lovely
Lyric Robert - like Lyric for a boy
Napoleon Danger - I like Napoleon but the middle name is ridiculous

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This message was edited 6/23/2008, 12:33 PM

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sorry some of those are way out there even for me.
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I LIKE:Elizabeth (fn only, I hate it as a mn)
Isa (nn for Isadora)
River Breeze (kind of pretty)
Azaria (prefer Azalea)
Renae (Rene, boy)
Iysis (Isis, unfortunately trashy =[)
Antoinette (GP cause of dear old Marie)
Catherine (prefer Katherine)
Kindle (fairly cute, actually)
Roan (boy)
Summers (prefer just Summer)
Shannon (yay for being on a boy!)
Exavier (Xavier)
Artemas (Artemis, girl. Why would they put this on a girl?)
Michaelangelo (this is really growing on me)
Orien (Orian)
Sterling (slightly prefer it on a girl)
Nicodemus (too cool)
Saoirse (girl)

This message was edited 6/23/2008, 12:24 PM

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