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Recently I've begun to love Ferdinand. Is it usable, considering both the archduke AND the band? WDYT of these combos?Ferdinand Blaise
Ferdinand Constantine
Ferdinand Livius
Ferdinand Ludovic (I love this one!)
Ferdinand Matthias
Ferdinand Percival
Ferdinand Sergius
Ferdinand Tycho
Ferdinand WilhelmAlexis Ferdinand (uh-LEK-see)
Amos Ferdinand (I love it!)
Asa Ferdinand
August Ferdinand
Colin Ferdinand
Dimitri Ferdinand
Emmerich Ferdinand
Erik Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand (haha this was a joke, but I can't help but notice it's a great combo)
Lucius Ferdinand
Luka Ferdinand
Misha Ferdinand
Phineas Ferdinand (apparently Ferdinand does well with alliteration)
Sasha Ferdinand
Viktor FerdinandAlso, what are some nicknames you can come up with? I've got Andy, Freddy and Red.
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Totally useable. I think of the bull.It was in my top 5-6-7 for ages. I like the nickname Freddie. Nando works also and is fun, if silly.Milo Ferdinand is a good combination btw. Haven't read yours yet but I hope you will use Milo Ferdinand. Mine was Ferdinand Charles Constantino, I liked the solid two C's next to each other and the awkwardness of -o instead of -e. I prefer Constantine now though.Hm I like all yours esp Blaise Constantine Asa Colin Viktor and Dimitri. I also - okay Franz Ferdinand is a great combination okay
okay whatever
I'd use it
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I love Ferdinand......especially because of the band. If you are concerned about the name being difficult to bear, I think it would make a great middle name too. However, I find Ferdinand usable, and my comfort zone isn't that far out of the mainstream. Of your combinations, I like:
Ferdinand Ludovic
Ferdinand SergiusAmos Ferdinand
August Ferdinand
Colin Ferdinand
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Wow! I love it and have since we studied Magellan in fifth grade. I love your combos, too, especially:Ferdinand Constantine
Ferdinand Wilhelm
Dimitri Ferdinand
Lucius Ferdinand
Viktor Ferdinand (prefer Victor)I prefer it as a mn, too, which is a shame because I love it to bits. The nickname thing is kind of awkward - I don't like any. But someday, I'm going to get a boy-girl pair of kittens and name them Ferdinand and Isabella. I also like a lot of forms of Ferdinand; Hernan is my current favorite, but I also love Fernando, Fernan, and Hernando. Fernand isn't bad either.

This message was edited 6/18/2008, 3:04 PM

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I prefer it as a mn.
It also makes me think of the footballer.Emeric Ferdinand (I dislike the 'ch' in Emmerich)
Luka Ferdinand
August Ferdinand
Alexei Ferdinand (rather than Alexis)
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I prefer it as a mn, too. It just seems to flow better. But is it just the appearance of the "ch" that you dislike? Because Emmerich sounds exactly the same as Emeric.
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According to BabyNamesWorld:
Elrich = EL-reech
Adalrich = AD-ahl-risch or AD-ahl-reech
Friedrich = FREE-drich
Emmerich = Em-uh-rischSo because of the confusion there, I prefer the French spelling Emeric.
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Oh, that's weird. I've always pronounced Emmerich "E-me-rikh," which is the pronunciation that BtN gives. I'm not doubting you or creating an argument or anything. That's just how I've always pronounced Emmerich. Emeric just looks unfinished to me, but no biggie.
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I'm confused about it too, and normally I might agree with you about Emeric. But I associate it with Alaric in my head so I see it differently (if that makes sense!).
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Yeah, that's fine. I was just curious.
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Well it's one of my cats' names (the other is Magellan . . . witty, eh?), so I probably wouldn't use it (not that I'm against using names that have been used for animals, it's just that this particular name is so uncommon that the cat would *always* come to mind...), but I do quite like it. Amos Ferdinand is my favorite ... I think it flows better as a middle name in general. Though I'm sure there are some remarkable exceptions - I'm just too lazy to try and find them at the moment. And Amos Ferdinand is so very lovely! :P I was also going to suggest Victor Ferdinand, but then I realized you listed that one as well. So, I'm probably not much help.As far as nicknames go, we call my cat Ferdy... but I do like Red, too.
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I like Ferdinand a lot, but definitely prefer it as a middle name, my combo is Jakob Ferdinand :)From yours I like...Ferdinand Matthias
Ferdinand WilhelmAlexis Ferdinand
August Ferdinand
Dimitri Ferdinand
Emmerich Ferdinand
Luka Ferdinand
Misha Ferdinand
Sasha Ferdinand
Viktor FerdinandNicknames: Fer? Ferdy? lol, I like Freddy the best.
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