Apathy Nevaeh wins the prize...
For dumbest name on here. Very obviously the parents are uneducated and unintelligent, because apathy is NOT a virtue and has nothing to do with heaven, either backwards or forwards. Idiots.Exauce: Exhaust? Egg sauce? Excuse?Sandy Jack: Good name for a touristy seafood restaurant.Isaiah Emmanuel Jesus: Somebody's trying way too hard.Venice Kale: It's good served with olive oil and a little bacon.Mehsyn Jayen: Remember how Blair/Cloe/Brooke/etc posted all those made-up names like Hayton and Naytin and all that? These would fit right in.Trucker Allen: I bet the parents are always griping at the truckers on the road.Pagan Justice: Sounds a bit scary.Tripper John Fisher: John can't decide if he wants to take a trip or go fishing.Athena Theodora: Both names are very nice, but together they sound like quite a mouthful.Heaven Rae Myziah: Why not just adda Marie or Nicole in there for good measure?Coco Indi: Coco is sucha tacky stripper name.Imma-Belle Gace: Is always called Emma.Holly Calypso: Holy Toledo, Holly Calypso!Sonni Reins: Perfect porn star name. It has it all: a silly pun, bad spelling...Georgie: That'll look real good ona grownup woman.Ramzy: Like Ramzi Yousef, who tried to blow up the WTC the first time.Trinity Hope: Known for its burn unit and trauma center.Icess: She's a cold girl.Pre: And his brother Post.Even: Even so...Geyser: His projectile vomiting and impressive upward urination is phenomenal.Tyre Jacob: Tyre him out.Gomez: Remember Gomez Addams of the Addams Family?Cayo Cooper: KO him. Knock him flat.Havic: Like havoc. Nice.Hulk Lawrence: His parents are probably about on the same level as little Apathy's.Michael Meyers: Like Mike Myers, Austin Powers? Or Michael Myers, the first congressman to go to jail back in the eighties over ABSCAM.Bryer Emery: Briars and emery boards. Ouch!Little Sam: Most likely candidate for baby-daddy is Sam, so of course he had to be Little Sam. When he goes on Maury Povich it will turn out his real father is Leroy.Lakota Lynn: Girly.Hostetler: Couldn't they have used that for a mn?Delaware Thomas: What'll they call him? Della? *gags*Rio Orion: Try to say this smoothly without sounding like a car trying to start.Gautham: Welcome to Gautham City, punk.Mesa Belle: She runs that there sportin' house over to Arizony Territory.Lailani SoldierGirl: Is she a cheap plastic action figure based on a low-budget cartoon?Lelass: Lil' Ass.PEggy-Sue Lila: Lia didn't pay Peggy the agreed upon fee for doing her nails. Peggy, sue Lila.
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Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  6/10/2008, 4:26 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  Heidi  ·  6/11/2008, 12:50 PM
comments...  ·  brydz  ·  6/11/2008, 12:29 AM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  lilah  ·  6/10/2008, 9:31 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  Gloria Rose  ·  6/10/2008, 9:28 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  number1212  ·  6/10/2008, 8:50 PM
Apathy Nevaeh wins the prize...  ·  RoxStar  ·  6/10/2008, 6:52 PM
Don't forget (m)  ·  Akua Topaz  ·  6/10/2008, 7:09 PM
Re: Don't forget (m)  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  6/10/2008, 7:25 PM
Ah, that's right, always get them mixed up :) nt  ·  Akua Topaz  ·  6/10/2008, 8:22 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  Jasmine  ·  6/10/2008, 6:11 PM
I like...  ·  Becki  ·  6/10/2008, 5:54 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  Aileen  ·  6/10/2008, 5:48 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  hayleyskye  ·  6/10/2008, 5:18 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  Megan  ·  6/10/2008, 4:39 PM
I'd Use  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  6/10/2008, 4:33 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  Wordsmith  ·  6/10/2008, 4:30 PM
Re: Random BA's 2 in 1  ·  number1212  ·  6/10/2008, 8:56 PM