I named my daughter Victoria, and like most parents who use the name Victoria these days, I decided I didn't want her to be called Vicky. Knowing that Victoria is a name that almost demands a nickname, I decided I wanted Torrie, to avoid people assuming she was Vicky, again like most parents these days who use the name.
But note the spelling. I had always thought of the nickname spelled in that fashion, since I had seen it in a book once when I was a teenager. I can't abide the Tori spelling. It drives me insane.
My in-laws, from the time my daughter was a baby, spelled it Tori when they would send her greeting cards and such. Every time, I would complain to my husband that I couldn't abide that spelling and I wished they would stop. I finally told my mother-in-law that I was spelling it Torrie, and she looked at me like I had lost my mind.
Then when Torrie was about twelve, she decided that she wanted to spell it Tori, I think influenced by Tori Spelling. (Remember, she was twelve.) I kicked up such a fuss that we compromised on Torie. For a long time she spelled it that way, but finally reverted back to Torrie.
Now, I will admit that Tori makes more sense, in that the letters T,O, R, and I are actually contained in the name Victoria, while Torrie adds extra letters. Still, I just can't stand Tori.
Well, with all this talk of creative spellings, and mispelled names, I got to wondering. Do you consider Torrie a misspelling? Do you consider it cre8tively spelled?
Which do you like better, Tori or Torrie?